To all the Hoffa haters


Well-Known Member
It would seem so but UPS was mandated by federal law to keep the fund solvent. The company waved (I thought it was 6.5 billlion) the money in the unions face and they bit. I'm sure there is alot of detail that we are not privy to but Ron Carey would not have gone along with this deal. I respect someone who is honest and transparent. No one is perfect of course but Jimmy Hoffa Jr. is one person I do NOT trust because like I have said before, I have never seen the BAs so two-faced and spineless since Hoffa became pres. Without us (our dues and "strike fund") he is going to have to finally find a real job........maybe like unloading a whole trailer for $8.50.

CHUCHU if you believe your BAs are two faced and spineless, vote them out of office. Put together a strong slate and make a difference.


CHUCHU if you believe your BAs are two faced and spineless, vote them out of office. Put together a strong slate and make a difference.
I KNOW the BA in our area has been trying to swing the company deals. I've been in several hearings where the steward had to fight with the BA in front of the company on "slam dunk" issues (and the steward won). I agree with your comment and we are actively trying to get regime change here. Thank you for the encouragement. The road has been dark and long. Sometimes I think the ship has gone out to far to turn it around. It really needs dumped and we need to start again with some honest support.