Do any of you have urgent care facilities nearby? These are the places you are suppose to go in lieu of ER visits.
Several years ago UPS sent out a mailer talking about our options when seeking medical care, in order to help reduce costs. The vast majority of times people go to the ER-for sprains/strains, broken bones that don't break the skin or don't involve trauma, flu/fever, etc.-they should use another alternative, preferably their primary care physician. Next is an ambulatory care provider, like a CVS Minute Clinic. For serious, but non-life threatening, medical situations you should visit an urgent care facility, which can take of most medical situations.
I've been stressing that my family use the ER alternatives since I got that mailer, ending $100 bills to the ER for the $25 copay for visiting an ER (if you were admitted, or it is an emergency, like a bone break involving trauma). However, under Teamcare, that $25 copay is going away. Nice little benefit.