Trump and Air Force One


Parts on Order
Why? Because Trump told you so? He doesn't even know what he's talking about, nor does he even have accurate dollar figures. I guess you misunderstand what a President is supposed to do in terms of job duties.

Congratulations, low IQ voters. You've just elected the Fuller Brush Man as your leader.

Ive never spoken to Trump, so he's never told me anything. The president of the United States can change his job duties at anytime. Get use to it, Trump isn't going to follow any predetermined path. Thats part of the reason why I voted for him. A change of course.

Its funny you say the low IQ voters. Atleast we had the common sense to vote. Where were all the high IQ voters? Apparently not out voting. Lol


Strength through joy
Gov't just orders planes, they care not the cost because the taxpayers will pay for all .
Trump understands what the cost is and how much it will take to keep the darn thing up & running .


Engorged Member
Gov't just orders planes, they care not the cost because the taxpayers will pay for all .
Trump understands what the cost is and how much it will take to keep the darn thing up & running .

Really? Trump doesn't understand much of anything, which is readily apparent whenever he speaks or Tweets about any subject. One of the biggest reasons the friend-35 is so expensive is that GOP politicians kept trying to bring some of the pork home for their constituents. Like John Boehner and the "spare engine" deal.


Inordinately Right
didn't you know that for $100M all you get is just the aircraft without an engine ?
My grandma rambles off random questions to no one/everyone like this all the time. Of course she's in a home where properly trained people can treat her dementia. You still live at home babbage ganja?


Well-Known Member

One can question Trump's motives in his comments about the friend-35 but motives aside, his comment IMO was factually correct. The friend-35 has been a bottomless pit and others on both sides of the isle from time to time have said so. But unlike Trump, it's likely you weren't paying attention so it goes by unnoticed. Trump has much to critique and worthy of criticism but this is not one of them.

Trump on Military Spending: An Encouraging Sign

But I'm not holding my breath as Trump has proven a vastly moving target and for a NYer, he seems to have quickly mastered the political Texas Side Step.



Well-Known Member
But unlike Trump, it's likely you weren't paying attention so it goes by unnoticed.
That is not true. I just prefer to be optimistic and believe the experts, not Trump. Yes, the costs are outrageous but you are paying for next generation stealth technology.

"Lt. Col. David Berke says there's no comparison between the friend-35 and today's jet fighters."
"Without the friend-35, says Air Force Chief General Mark Welsh, the U.S. could lose its ability to control the air in future conflicts."

In aerial combat, the plane that shoots first wins, so it all comes down to detecting the enemy before he detects you. The friend-35's combination of information technology and stealth would give American pilots what Marine Lt. Gen. Robert Schmidle describes as an astounding advantage in combat.

Robert Schmidle: I shouldn't get into the exact ranges because those ranges are classified, but what I can tell you is that the range at which you can detect the enemy as opposed to when he can detect you can be as much as 10 times further when you'll see him before he'll ever see you and down to five times...

*60 minutes a few years ago did an article called, "Is the F35 worth it?"


Strength through joy
That is not true. I just prefer to be optimistic and believe the experts, not Trump. Yes, the costs are outrageous but you are paying for next generation stealth technology.

"Lt. Col. David Berke says there's no comparison between the friend-35 and today's jet fighters."
"Without the friend-35, says Air Force Chief General Mark Welsh, the U.S. could lose its ability to control the air in future conflicts."

In aerial combat, the plane that shoots first wins, so it all comes down to detecting the enemy before he detects you. The friend-35's combination of information technology and stealth would give American pilots what Marine Lt. Gen. Robert Schmidle describes as an astounding advantage in combat.

Robert Schmidle: I shouldn't get into the exact ranges because those ranges are classified, but what I can tell you is that the range at which you can detect the enemy as opposed to when he can detect you can be as much as 10 times further when you'll see him before he'll ever see you and down to five times...

*60 minutes a few years ago did an article called, "Is the F35 worth it?"

The friend-35 is designed to shoot down foes from long distance before they're ever close enough to really dogfight. That was the same way of thinking back in the 50's & 60's when the military removed guns from our air frames . The Vietnam Conflict proved the idea was wrong .


Well-Known Member
The friend-35 is designed to shoot down foes from long distance before they're ever close enough to really dogfight. That was the same way of thinking back in the 50's & 60's when the military removed guns from our air frames . The Vietnam Conflict proved the idea was wrong .
Technology has advanced since the 50's & 60's.

Hope this helps.


Engorged Member
But the quality of warriors has declined .
Today all America breeds is special little snowflakes .

What's up with the "snowflake" deal? Is it the new FOX buzzword? Our military is full of non-snowflakes, as are our police and fire departments. If you're talking about the micro-aggression PC crowd, I tend to agree.

I guess I'm a snowflake who would gladly shoot anyone who messed with me or my family. In my state, all they need to do is touch you in an aggressive manner.