I have someone in my family on disability with severe Bipolar. The disability insurance for medication has a threshold that the person hit part of the way through the year. The medicine they take costs like $600 per month without insurance which they cannot afford. The doctor at that point switches them to lithium...Requires monthly bloodwork to make sure the levels in the blood are not exceeding a threshold. If the levels exceed that number for any amount of time, more than likely i will have to attend a funeral. And that is not even taking into account the side affects.
Been down that road feel your pain. My mother and sister, and brother, had bi polar, All gone now. One at 52 my sis. 59 my brother one at 70 my Mom. Had no other real problems. Bi polar is so hard to handle. Get one in your system before it will work is like 2 weeks, then two weeks to get it out if it isnt the right one, meanwhile trying a new one that takes two weeks, then if it dont work, it is a viscious cycle. Then when one works, trying to get them to take it is a 24/7 job. No one wants to admit it is a brain malfunction. People will take loads of crap for kidneys, bp, cholestrol, pain, but no one wants a brain problem when actually it is a chemical imbalance. Its a tough road no doubt. Definetely better than it was, but still no walk in the park. Prayers and hugs. And the cost, is out of this world, and then you throw half of it out. Lithium is a metal, It never worked for them, and caused liver spots.