Well, don't know about US rules. But if an animal arrives dead or appears sick, (includes broken bones), to a meat or poultry slaughter house. It's is automatically declared unfit for human consumption. And all animals under go a health inspection, before they can be declared fit for human consumption.
By law, farmers or hunters can't sell their meat, to the general public, unless the whole process is over looked by the food agency, and inspector(s) (is)are on site.
The only gun a government regulated slaughter house uses, is a stun gun, if even that, because they have developed more effecient, automtic ways to stun animals, before their main artery is cut and the butchering process begins.
Btw, have you ever heard of head cheese ? As far as I know, it's made from pork brains. I don't think they would sell it, with bullet fragments inside of it.
Anyways, yes, they do get killed , but not by rifles or bullets at the slaughter houses !
They get killed in the most human way possible, and a government inspector is always on site, to ensure these animals don't go thru any unneccesary suffering.
(which is still debatable, among animal lovers and vegetarians).
Rules for animal processing are the same or similar here. BUT you are talking domesticated animals going to a regulated slaughterhouse. A deer, or the previously mentioned wild hog do not fall under the same guidelines. Yes any self respecting hunter will take pride in dispatching an animal as quickly and humanely as possible. But these wild animals are dealt with generally in one of two ways, with an arrow or a bullet. Either properly applied will end the animals worries before it knows what hits it.
Don`t worry about the little hog. If he could get his teeth into you he wouldn`t worry about how humane he was to you.