U got a :censored: list ? Crappy Customers


Huge Member
^ Agreed. I have a house on a former route where the dog did in fact bite me and the owner pointed to the sign above the garage that said something to the effect of "dangerous dog, do not get out of vehicle". My manager told me we're not delivering to her house anymore after my incident.

Lady still got a visit from the local animal control office and a fine. And now she has to drive into town to get her packages.


Well-Known Member
Loose dog in the yard = stay in the truck, honk the horn and code it if they don't come outside. No matter if it is a beagle or a german shephard. If they come to the door with their dogs, my foot holds the door closed until they put the dogs up.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Twice I was bitten and both times the owners had no liability insurance. Soooo, I went to the emergency run because although both bites weren't serious nevertheless the a dog's saliva is full of bacteria making the worst part of a dog bite is infection. Now being a contractor I wasn't about to hoark up a $500 deductible insurance hair ball. By going to the ER and reporting the bite I as required filled out the report which meant in my state the animal control had to go out get the dog quarantine it for 10 days to see if there was any sign of rabies. After receiving the bill I took it out to the dog's owner and said 'Well pal here's the bill and I expect you to pay it". When they at first refused I simply said..."that's fine I going right past the district judge's office I'll stop and file the charges".You never saw a faster change of heart in your life. By the way the best emergency first aid for a dog bite?.... Windshield washer fluid....Hey it's nothing more than alcohol. This great looking ER female doctor busted out laughing when I told her what I had used....Her answer?...'I am impressed. I would have never thought of it"

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Had a coworker on customers front porch that was bitten by a small dog (25#) that nailed his artery. Had to have an ambulance, as he was unable to stop the bleeding. Police said it looked like a murder scene.

Lesson: Any loose dog is a threat.


Well-Known Member
Had a coworker on customers front porch that was bitten by a small dog (25#) that nailed his artery. Had to have an ambulance, as he was unable to stop the bleeding. Police said it looked like a murder scene.

Lesson: Any loose dog is a threat.
Have a cousin who was a mail carrier. One of her coworkers was delivering mail on his route. He was standing on the walk when he reached up to hand the mail to this woman standing on the porch. When he did she just so happen to have one of those lock jawed little expletive deleted's who lunged for him. Nailed him right in the face. Gouged out his eye and tore off his lower lip.


Retired 23 years
It would be hard to find a place in the US where a person wasn't required to keep their dogs under control. Even in townships and rural areas that allow dogs to run loose they are suppose to be under control of the owner. No amount of signage will exclude them from prosecution if someone gets bit. Check your local laws--you will find out I'm right.


Been around the block a few times
Basically when a person posts a sign on their property about a dog they are admitting they do not want the responsibility of owning and training the animal to behave. The sign is an attempt to remove themselves from any liability if someone does get bitten. The sign will not help them in any case.


Well-Known Member
Basically when a person posts a sign on their property about a dog they are admitting they do not want the responsibility of owning and training the animal to behave. The sign is an attempt to remove themselves from any liability if someone does get bitten. The sign will not help them in any case.
When I run into one of those kind I'm not afraid to inform people of their choices. Get some liability insurance on it or get rid of it because it's only a matter of time.


Well-Known Member
Basically when a person posts a sign on their property about a dog they are admitting they do not want the responsibility of owning and training the animal to behave. The sign is an attempt to remove themselves from any liability if someone does get bitten. The sign will not help them in any case.
Walked up to a house failing to notice "beware of dog" sign. Knocked on screen door which I could see through to rear porch screen door. Man inside goes "What? Huh? Oh my God, run, RUN!!" About that time I could hear paws scrambling off back porch. I turned and ran faster than I had in years, shutting gate just as huge pit bull with an amazing rack of teeth slammed into it. Been noticing signs ever since.


Been around the block a few times
Basically when a person posts a sign on their property about a dog they are admitting they do not want the responsibility of owning and training the animal to behave. The sign is an attempt to remove themselves from any liability if someone does get bitten. The sign will not help them in any case.
Further more.....WTH are they thinking? When they order a package how do they think it is going to get to their door? When they select "ship now" they are inviting the delivery person onto their property to make that delivery. Provisions should be made to insure that said delivery person can make that delivery safely.
I have a lady that has a german shepherd that she always locks in the garage on any day she has a delivery.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
This went to left field... but good points about dog warning signs and having liability insurance

Back on topic, so now I have 3 customers on my whole route that are on my :censored2: list.

The latest one called in a disputed delivery claim. I normally driver release ~ BDP since that is where they normally enter their home after driving a quarter mile down their dirt driveway from the road... that Saturday, it was raining and I had dr~FDP since it's covered from the weather.

They called it in and I remembered everything about it... BOGO free again?

So I'm going to leave a full book of status tags for them to sign for when they know a package is coming or face the DEX 007 delay. No DR for them anymore since I lost my bonus for February for this customer's complaint

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Walked up to a house failing to notice "beware of dog" sign. Knocked on screen door which I could see through to rear porch screen door. Man inside goes "What? Huh? Oh my God, run, RUN!!" About that time I could hear paws scrambling off back porch. I turned and ran faster than I had in years, shutting gate just as huge pit bull with an amazing rack of teeth slammed into it. Been noticing signs ever since.
certainly was sweet of the SOB to give you shelter inside his house til he could get the dog secured, eh? :bored:


Well-Known Member
On one of my earliest routes, I made a del to a very nice house in the middle of no where. No one home,dex 08 for the next day. No issues. The next day, I go back and the woman that lives there meets me at the end of her drive entrance, asks if I was the driver from the day before. Yup, that was me; thinking she was going to bitch me out for one reason or another. Goes on to tell me I'm very lucky because her dog, which is vicious and allowed to roam loose on her property, must have been down by the river otherwise he would have torn me up.

No, lady. You're lucky because after I got done beating the hell out of your dog with my tracker and my steel toes, I would have sued the daylights out of you.

People don't seem to get that, just because it is your property, doesn't mean don't have to worry about the welfare of those you invite onto your property. And yes, as stated above, when you click order on that shirt you bought online, you are inviting the courier onto your property to deliver it. It doesn't just magically appear.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
i wish FedEx Air's "eNotes" can be implemented on Ground's/ HD's system already!

that way, i can fill them in on the possible dangers of a customer's home, preferred DR points (side door, Garage, Barn/Shed, in the mobile home/trailer parked on the side of their driveway, etc)


if they're former false claimers that wants to "buy one, get one free" at the expense of FedEx, UPS, USPS, Amazon, Laser:censored2:, OnTrac, etc

i'm currently using "stop comments" tab to fill in what type of package it is if they're not a standard brown box as well as low overhang wires, long ass dirt driveways (veer right or left or back in ~no turn around) no numbers on the white unkempt rancher home, and loose dog dangers. was told they only look that up when there's a claim/dispute


Well-Known Member
If I see a dog in the yard and I don't know it, I honk the horn. If they come out, they get their package. If they don't come out and it is DSR/ISR, I try to leave a door tag SOMEWHERE/ANYWHERE. If I can release it, it gets dropped anywhere I can. I don't care if it is a Beagle, Jack Russel or a German Shepherd. I don't care if it isn't their dog. My dogs don't run loose, theirs shouldn't ether.

In those cases, if it's not sig req, I will put it in a release bag and place it over the fence or gate. If the dog can get to me, then it gets tied to the fence out of the dogs reach. I don't enter any property that has Beware Dog signage. Been bit a few times, last time was last week in an office. Guy says the dog bit me because the UPS driver always gives him a bone. Told him he can come outside to sign for his packages in the future. That dog should be nowhere near an office, since it's am insurance company with people coming and going all day.


Well-Known Member
In those cases, if it's not sig req, I will put it in a release bag and place it over the fence or gate. If the dog can get to me, then it gets tied to the fence out of the dogs reach. I don't enter any property that has Beware Dog signage. Been bit a few times, last time was last week in an office. Guy says the dog bit me because the UPS driver always gives him a bone. Told him he can come outside to sign for his packages in the future. That dog should be nowhere near an office, since it's am insurance company with people coming and going all day.
Insurance off ice huh? You would think that somebody in that office would know something about personal injury and what often happens afterward.

Star B

White Lightening
Insurance off ice huh? You would think that somebody in that office would know something about personal injury and what often happens afterward.
that's when you call the actual company and say "yeah, so, i got bit at $office because your agent has a dog in there. where would you like me to send the bill?"


Well-Known Member
i wish FedEx Air's "eNotes" can be implemented on Ground's/ HD's system already!...

Pretty sure it's implemented in some form, since I edit enotes at the computer, there are plenty of enotes entered from the FXG side,(the system shows you who made the entry) perhaps it's only accessible at FXG from computers and not the PPAD..