Uncle Larry Fink says “Work Longer” … You’ll be Happy

Red Headed Stranger

Well-Known Member
The best two ways to salvage Social Security: 1) Tax ALL wages (not just the first $168,600) and then cap the maximum monthly benefit at whatever the current cap is. 2) Allow people who draw early at age 62 to make as much money as they want to (obviously paying into Social Security while they continue to work) but cap their benefit at what their early draw amount was + COLA. These two items would go a long way towards making Social Security solvent.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Anyone from the World Economic Forum can go catch AIDS :censored2:ing themselves with a dirty kitchen knife but I plan on working as long as I can and it has nothing to do with "saving social security" or some bull:censored2:, but to stay strong and sharp as long as possible.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
That’s the only way you know to
“Stay sharp and active” is to keep working for the man? Seems like a waist to me. You do you
I don't know why "stay sharp and active" is in quotes because it's not what I said but if you think working for the man is the only way to work you're a fool.


Well-Known Member
You pay in you more should get more.
A lot of highly paid people make that money exploiting others. I look at what the executives at FedEx have done/are doing to regular employees in the name of profit and I don't mind at all making them pay SS on all of their income while putting a cap on what they can receive. I certainly believe that capitalism is the best way to feed, clothe, and house the most people. But those who benefit the most from an exploitive system should pay the most.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
A lot of highly paid people make that money exploiting others. I look at what the executives at FedEx have done/are doing to regular employees in the name of profit and I don't mind at all making them pay SS on all of their income while putting a cap on what they can receive. I certainly believe that capitalism is the best way to feed, clothe, and house the most people. But those who benefit the most from an exploitive system should pay the most.
Sounds like you want to take money from other for yourself?

FedEx workers must like management because they keep rejecting joining an union.

The system is designed to be a supplement. People now are living much longer than previous generations. Move full retirement age up accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you want to take money from other for yourself?

FedEx workers must like management because they keep rejecting joining an union.

The system is designed to be a supplement. People now are living much longer than previous generations. Move full retirement age up accordingly.
FedEx employees had/have no chance of joining a union because of their classification under the Railroad Labor Act.

No problem with moving the full retirement age up.

Am I taking from someone for myself? I paid into the system just like they did and my monthly payment is nowhere near the top payment. Even less than the average payment. If a company pushes people to accept less and less so that management can live well than the least they can do is help pay for their employees' retirement. If you benefit most from our system then you should have to pay more. If you aren't willing to work then you shouldn't get anything. Everyone else in between should have enough to at least get by. If they want more than that then move into management or start a company.


Well-Known Member
FedEx employees had/have no chance of joining a union because of their classification under the Railroad Labor Act.

No problem with moving the full retirement age up.

Am I taking from someone for myself? I paid into the system just like they did and my monthly payment is nowhere near the top payment. Even less than the average payment. If a company pushes people to accept less and less so that management can live well than the least they can do is help pay for their employees' retirement. If you benefit most from our system then you should have to pay more. If you aren't willing to work then you shouldn't get anything. Everyone else in between should have enough to at least get by. If they want more than that then move into management or start a company.
I agree the government screwed FedEx workers with that classification. I’m not sure why you would trust them with Penalizing others and taking more money from people just because you’re mad at them because you chose to work in a poor environment with low wages for so long.

So you would be OK with them moving your full retirement age up? or do you mean people who come after you? It doesn’t seem very fair.

The company you worked for without a union contract didn’t force you into anything, you were free to leave whenever you wanted. It sounds like you did just that.

The system you paid into really isn’t set up to to do much of anything more than giving you a supplement. Expecting most people to live off of it alone is a recipe for poverty in retirement.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
You can tax all earned income and it still will not be enough to fix the problem.

Many high earners will immediately switch from taking taxable income to non-taxable fringe benefits. Tax revenue will decrease as a result.