Where are you coming from? That is currently the part-time pension benefit formula. The starting point for any benefit with the full time years should be equal to what current management with the same service years qualify for. The formula under the UPS Retirement plan is more or less equal to half their best last 5 years, conservatively 75,000 with full medical no monthly co-pays. Look at your 401K if you have one, that growth is happening to everybody's pension and health and welfare plans. The money is there, should not settle with just crumbs from the banquet that is going on. Start educating yourselves about how pension plans are run, vested ratios and such, a pension plan that is 100 percent vested will basically be able to pay their participants on just the interest. The company will make a killing this year on their pension interests this year, also consider that the company eliminating making payments for their management in 2023. Do not fall for that victim mentality that is so prevalent with our members.