Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
R u runningGet back to me in 2021 when we have new leadership.
R u runningGet back to me in 2021 when we have new leadership.
Yes.R u running
better get all your healthcare needs taking care of the next five yearsYes.
I want to make 400k a year plus take kickback money.
I hope that Big Union Guy....doesn't see this. Lol.Yes.
I want to make 400k a year plus take kickback money.
I know he's retired. That's why I gave him the winner tag. He won!I don't know who gave you the winner tag, but I don't think they know you're retired LOL
I think management plant is optimistic. It's more likely just a regular old fashioned idiot.You just posted in this thread that a Union member should mind his own business when he sees a supervisor doing Union work. So you dog the Union in this thread and advocate for making it weaker in the other. Nice try, management plant.
I get the frustration but without the union, you would be paying around $1200 a month to insure your family of 4, with a $10000 deductable. You would probably be making $18 an hour tops.
Having some of the best health insurance in the country (basically free) , making a 6 figure salary (more than most people with bachelor degrees), and working in an outdoor job with a high amount of independence, I find it hard to bitch about much.
The rich are always going to get richer. It's the nature of capitalism. You will not work a single job where the top dog is not rich as.
Solid post!Ugh. Here's some objective advice: I have a college degree and was a manager at another fortune 500 company. Now I drive a brown UPS truck for a living. Why? Union wages and benefits at UPS are worth more. Does Amazon, Coca-Cola, etc. advertise higher starting wages and all of these other "perks" at hiring events or in the news? Yes. Do the jobs still suck? Yes.
UPS's problem isn't the work or the Teamsters. It's the way they treat people at all levels in the corporation. Therefore, I use my Union protections to the best of my situation and make sure they pay me every nickel owed. I also utilize the benefits to the max for me and my family. UPS can piss off once I walk out of there each day.
Typical package car driver. I bet you are happy about 22.4 taking all your OT .This. Where tf else are you going to make $100k + a year with nothing more than a valid drivers license? On top of that your family has (arguably) the best health insurance in the country. Oh and the pension you’ll get when it comes time to retire is better than what career military, police or firefighters get (depending on years of service).
Of course the union isn’t perfect, you should be happy with what you’ve got.
I hope that Big Union Guy....doesn't see this. Lol.
Not sure where you came up with that. Wait- "official"? You really need to get over yourself. Official- that's funny. Lol.You seem to have a problem with elected officials.
What have you done ?
And in breaking news....
A short term part-time employee at UPS quits.
You seem to have a problem with elected officials.
What have you done ?
PS it maybe time for workers to give the Teamsters the boot.
Stop paying dues and leave then.The teamsters need to go and this contract is proof that the teamsters are crap
I doubt if I would be making up to $70k/yr working PT without a Teamster Union contract. I guess that means I am one of the PT that does vote.The teamsters need to go and this contract is proof that the teamsters are crap
PT Car Washer is 100% right!!I doubt if I would be making up to $70k/yr working PT without a Teamster Union contract. I guess that means I am one of the PT that does vote.
Because people trutly don't know what they have until they lose it. This place without the union would be a revolving door of people coming and being fired . They would use numbers to hire and fire people onna daily basis . Not to mention our pay and benefits would only be a fraction of what they are right now .Why has there been such a turn of dissatisfaction with the union lately? I see and hear the same at my building too. Real talk.