That is what's funny, about posting on forums.
Absent of facial expressions or body language, it's hard to "read" that.
Just as an example...
Maybe we need to get hip to smileys and emojis then?

They just seem so effeminate to me.
Some people, might read that post as a drunken belligerent threat.
I read it, as a statement of confidence.
See what I mean ?
Perhaps it was both?
There is nothing wrong, with expecting full and accurate accounting.
Dues grab.... ? Come on.
Did you read the full report, all 59 pages?
Did you miss the part where the President admitted in his deposition that much of the collected dues money is being used to supplement the salaries of some of the smaller Local's officers?
Once upon a time, most states had a Teamster Conference.
Most have went to the wayside, as they are redundant and wasteful in conjunction with the Joint Councils that are also in place.
So yes, dues grab.
Sloppy paper work....
Is no reason for TDU, to get their "panties in a bunch".
It's optimistic at best to characterize the findings of this report prepared by the IRB (
not TDU) as only some "sloppy paperwork"?
There were many other questions raised and practices exposed.
I honestly hope nothing comes of it, as it is already hard enough, with Ohio being the laughing stock of the Central Region.
Last thing we need is to add fuel to that fire.