From my perspective; having had a daughter in college at that time and a wife that was sick it would have been pretty tempting to cross the picket line except that I knew that we all had to stand together with each other's future in view, not giving in to the last, best, and "final" offer that most assuredly meant screwing others for our own personal gain.
That was the issue underlying in the last minute cave in to match the company's poison that was assuredly going to bring us to exactly where we are today. DOA.
Where are the people, members, that have the spine to say that they appreciate the extra pension money they've received that was fought for by UPS Teamsters, some of which paid dearly when they went back to work or were purposely laid off as retaliation for not crossing the picket line?
Why doesn't common sense prevail toward the big picture that clearly says for 17 years they got a huge bonus in pension on the backs of UPS Teamster solidarity?
There's little thankfulness in a country that has a welfare mentality. Our grandparents would shake their heads in disbelief.
There is no free lunch and this has finally come home to roost.
The Ohio issue at hand just adds fuel to the fire and it's bs if you think TDU is to blame.
Maybe like Bubblehead said earlier, it may need to burn down to start over. IDK.
But it's a absolute shame that the great leaders that are now listed in the report are shown in disrepute.
Accountability is a very expensive word.
Someone needs to stop taking things for granted, remember where they came from and realize that us little dues paying members are depending on them.