Union Politics - Junior was on the Board that drafted the CS pension cuts!!!

10 point

Well-Known Member
What do my "likes" do?
Is Tim skinny or something?
Who gives a flying if someone is skinny or not?

Kind of shallow isn't that? Stick to the issues without defaming and ridiculing folks for their weight.
Some day you may have health issues (hypothyroidism being a source of weight gain) and it may change how you regard others.
Who gives a flying if someone is skinny or not?

Kind of shallow isn't that? Stick to the issues without defaming and ridiculing folks for their weight.
Some day you may have health issues (hypothyroidism being a source of weight gain) and it may change how you regard others.
To be honest 10 point I do. I go about 235 and wish I went about a buck 95. Skinny is the cechit

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Who gives a flying if someone is skinny or not?

Kind of shallow isn't that? Stick to the issues without defaming and ridiculing folks for their weight.
Some day you may have health issues (hypothyroidism being a source of weight gain) and it may change how you regard others.
Is that Tim's problem? Is he diseased?

10 point

Well-Known Member
All you gotta do us stretch properly and use the methods and that 11 hr day will become an even 12.
Not saying that you don't do all that but they have no clue what it takes to do our job right.
Paper methods and training pics don't equal the real life cluster loads we flip.