This is the first I've heard of two delegate slates running against Patrick K. The reformers have made it clear from day one that they were running a delegate slate and that they are supporting the Teamsters United Slate.
Where's the other delegate slate coming out of? Who's heading it? Why haven't they made contact with Edgar, D or Brown?
When did day one start? This is the first anyone heard that the reformers were going again. Although you just confirmed what most expected and that is that the reformers will again think they have all the support and will listen or work with no one. Then they will put a slate together with an obvious name like Dump Hoffa 2016. Same thing every couple of years.
When will the reformers realize it's time for a new strategy. If it is confirmed that 2 slates will run against PDK you guys have almost certainly sealed your fate. Wake up!!! The incumbents are smiling and laughing at you guys.
Everyone know who the second slate will be consisted of. We know they're talking and if speculations do come to reality these guys and girls will have a decent shot but they too have to realize the mistakes they made in the past.
Just a thought, most BAs at local 952 do not support PK. Try reaching out. Some one from the inside is always good. Settle the differences. Find a middle ground.
Put your egos to the side. Remember, it's about making it better for the members.