Union Politics - Local 952 Leadership Keeping Their Hands Clean Of H-hall Name


Well-Known Member
Getting back to the subject of this post. The dead line for collecting signatures has come. PK and his agents at local 952 couldn't even get 200 signatures for The Hoffa-Hall Slate or should I say they didn't even try. Let's not forget PK'S good friends Rick M. and Ron H. are on the slate also.

Asking for some opinions,
If PK is going to run a delegate slate, why would he not tell his members who he supports?
Could it be because PK is not supporting Hoffa?
Could it be he's hoping his members have no clue what's going on and will just send him to Vegas?


Well-Known Member
Getting back to the subject of this post. The dead line for collecting signatures has come. PK and his agents at local 952 couldn't even get 200 signatures for The Hoffa-Hall Slate or should I say they didn't even try. Let's not forget PK'S good friends Rick M. and Ron H. are on the slate also.

Asking for some opinions,
If PK is going to run a delegate slate, why would he not tell his members who he supports?
Could it be because PK is not supporting Hoffa?
Could it be he's hoping his members have no clue what's going on and will just send him to Vegas?

The Irishman and his UPS BAs should be asking how they're gonna campaign against the two opposing slates that are combining for the delegate election in January.

I hear the Irishman is in trouble if the IRB hasn't yet trusteed the local.
The Irishman and his UPS BAs should be asking how they're gonna campaign against the two opposing slates that are combining for the delegate election in January.

I hear the Irishman is in trouble if the IRB hasn't yet trusteed the local.
Dude you need to let that trustee thing go. It's obvious it ain't happening.

10 point

Well-Known Member
"Fred's proposal was for ups to pay for all its part timers cell phones"

HAHAHAHAhaha!!!! I wish this were true. can you imagine what cheap outdated crap UPS would come up with if they had to provide cell phones for the tens of thousands of people who have... and will ....work at worldport? The turnover rate is insane.
There'll be thousands of Obama phones available after 2016. Thankfully.
How do you feel about local 952 not even getting 200 signatures for your heros Hoffa and Hall? You defend PK like you guys are best friends. Obviously you two don't see eye to eye on who should run our union. Really not even 200 signatures. Jokes on you!!!
They got there 10,000 signatures for the region it's not the election yet Einstein.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
How do you feel about local 952 not even getting 200 signatures for your heros Hoffa and Hall? You defend PK like you guys are best friends. Obviously you two don't see eye to eye on who should run our union. Really not even 200 signatures. Jokes on you!!!
That is not even true


Well-Known Member
You ar so out of touch with reality. There is more to the teamsters union that ups.
Did you attend spelling class in grammar school?
You are correct though about UPS.
Freight hates Hoffa and Hall
UPS Freight hates Hoffa and Hall
Retirees in Failing Teamster pension plans hate Hoffa and Hall
Construction Teamsters hate Hoffa and Hall
Warehouse Teamsters hate Hoffa and Hall
Public sector Teamsters hate Hoffa and Hall

I think you get the picture by now but most importantly.....
UPS Teamsters hate Hoffa and Hall
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