Union Politics - Teamsters Local President runs opponent over with his car 9/22/15

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
I went from no medical bills with my old plan to getting one every
Time I use the lacking medicinal plan!
Oh and it's
Not just me .. It's the whole local! Maybe you are just used to subpar healthcare!
Actually, I have an amazing health plan. 0 for visits, zero deductible. It's a union plan. It didn't start that amazing, it was built upon and improved over the years. But, gotta start somewhere.


My Senior Picture
Actually, I have an amazing health plan. 0 for visits, zero deductible. It's a union plan. It didn't start that amazing, it was built upon and improved over the years. But, gotta start somewhere.
It was "built upon" only recently, due to the fortitude of the no voters on various failed supplements, and in 2017 you will have an annual deductible and things will begin to go backwards again.


My Senior Picture
Why are you getting ready to go in on the twilight sort?
You say that like it would make him half a Teamster?
It's that attitude that just might rally enough people who would not have voted otherwise.
Discontent is a much greater motivator than gratitude, so please, keep it up.
You say that like it would make him half a Teamster?
It's that attitude that just might rally enough people who would not have voted otherwise.
Discontent is a much greater motivator than gratitude, so please, keep it up.
That's hat you ar alluding to. I'm just trying to see why his moms got to watch the dog. We kennel our animals because we don't have people to watch them.