Union Politics - The Carhaulers vote on a CONCESSIONARY contract is today! 10/15/2015


Well-Known Member
Must be a lot of TDU members if you stand by that statement.
That statement was made because son of Sam and a lot of his tdu buddies said they were voting no on the car haul contract before they knew what was in it..........in my opinion if you are voting no before you know what in the contract is bad and shows that there is a motive behind what they are trying to do.........for example you saying now that your going to vote no for the ups contract in 2018 no matter what ups offers because it's concessionary.....you wouldn't do that you would read it first before you make a decision

10 point

Well-Known Member
That statement was made because son of Sam and a lot of his tdu buddies said they were voting no on the car haul contract before they knew what was in it..........in my opinion if you are voting no before you know what in the contract is bad and shows that there is a motive behind what they are trying to do.........for example you saying now that your going to vote no for the ups contract in 2018 no matter what ups offers because it's concessionary.....you wouldn't do that you would read it first before you make a decision
Sure would read it. Always do.
I work with SOME veteran drivers that say to vote the first offer down every time.
If it was a good offer I'd have to disagree with that mentality just on those grounds and it's not just us and RPS anymore so that is not being realistic.