I do. Know them all.
I understand your point. It's certainly bad timing.
But, what does it have to do with the pension ?
Perception and reality.... are not "one in the same".-Bug-
I'm not putting down people in that post. We all live with the choices we make and no one else.
But waste is waste.
In the LA riots innocent people were pulled out of trucks and cars to be beaten to the point of death because they were the wrong skin color. That's a drastic comparison but none the less parallel when you get the news that the UNION is trying to cut your pension in half ... whether you deserved the benefit level or not.
Perception. That's a dangerous word.
People are angry and when they see the thousands of dollars spent on excesses and the report said that Bales deposition stated that NONE of our CBA's were reviewed, allegedly the one thing that was supposedly forefront in priority of the OC... that grates on us members still working.
And if the statement by "one" that the OC exists to augment smaller locals salaries is true that should really raise the eyebrows of those that believe their representation is well enough paid without taking more of our money and funneling it in the back door to give them more?!
The question stands for many:
Are you getting your money's worth in representation and do we really trust the OC players are taking care of the sheep or the shepherds.
Time will tell and November 2016 can't come fast enough for "some".