Fat Cat Union Bosses, "LET THEM EAT CAKE!"
It is instructive to see the fat-cat salaries that the union bosses receive. The March 2012 LM-2, the annual filing required by the Department of Labor for the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union reveals that union bosses collectively received more than $3 million in compensation. The secretary treasurer takes down a whopping $196, 627 while the president rakes in $210,672. Hey, the Big Labor execs have their dough, so why should they sweat, a month before Christmas, about 18,500 employees going jobless? Perhaps they should adopt a new slogan for their union: Let ‘em eat cake.
This is from the left-wing liberal newspaper - The Washington Post.
Ding dongs - Big Labor strikes again - Right Turn - The Washington Post
Isnt income below $250k considered middleclass? Those salaries are really not that impressive for folks who represent thousands of workers.