Unions:Obama care will shatter backbone of middle class


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America Rejecting ObamaCare | ObamaCare, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ


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Even those on the Left are now calling ObamaCare a “huge train wreck” In what may be the biggest blow to ObamaCare yet, a group of unions, including the all-powerful Teamsters, has publicly pronounced, “[ObamaCare] will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”


Well-Known Member
Because my young friend, in 2040 when most if not all of the baby boomer population is gone, and there is a labor surplus to go along with a SS surplus, you'll be glad you pay the tax when it comes time for you to retire. It's going to be up to your and my generation to vote in the right people to make sure SS isn't raped by congress. Glad to see you saving on your own though...people like my folks actually think you're suppose to be able to live off SS. It's always been a supplemental income.

Methinks you missed the sarcasm...