United Nations


Well-Known Member
".... we are better with the flawed body than without it....."

Now that is truly flawed!!!!

That's what I think of you when you walk into the voting booth to in effect perpetuate the same thinking(eg use bbsam's same reasoning) with the results of your vote!



golden ticket member
Me and my cronies walked into the booth an flipped things upside down in most cases and shocked some. People together, voting ,CAN make a difference. And you're welcome (for us getting the gavel out of the witches grip)


Staff member
".... we are better with the flawed body than without it....."

Now that is truly flawed!!!!

Politics is said to be the art of the compromise. It is pragmatism. Hell, Democracy is a messy government style, flawed in actually getting things accomplished (compared to dictatorships, kingships, oligarchys and the such) but I still maintain that even with those flaws we are better with it than without it. Disagree?


golden ticket member
I don't consider the U.N. part of politics. It's foreign and it's headquartered in N.Y. and that sucks. Let the rest of the world have that organization and its many many flaws.


Staff member
UN not part of politics?! Whoah! It's clear now. You don't have flawed logic, you have a non-sensical premise.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
U.K. Pulls Plug on United Nations Spending in Opposition of U.S.

Critics of U.S. spending on the United Nations got a huge boost—and supporters of that spending, especially the Obama Administration, took a body blow—from an unlikely source this week: the British government, long one of the U.N.’s staunchest supporters.

The U.S. pays 22 percent of the so-called”core” budget of the U.N. Secretariat, and 27 percent of peacekeeping expenses, but its so-called voluntary spending on U.N. agencies and programs goes far beyond that, to an estimated $6.3 billion overall.

Even that number is likely a significant under-estimation, since many U.N. bodes operate as “implementing agencies”—program managers—for U.S. funds that are channeled through non-U.N. institutions, such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), where the U.S. has donated $5.1 billion since 2002, and pledged an additional $4.4 billion. The implementing agencies typically charge a percentage for their services.



golden ticket member
I wish the U.S. would wise up and drop all support of the U.N. and boot the headquarters out of town. Tell them to go find a clubhouse elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
I wish the U.S. would wise up and drop all support of the U.N. and boot the headquarters out of town. Tell them to go find a clubhouse elsewhere.

Agreed but the problem you have is that we invented the damn thing in our quest of global empire. Now if you are willing to vastly change our foreign policy, then the need and direction of the UN would be counter productive to our interests as a nation and free people. It would also be for a lot more across the planet and we along with them could then just walk away leaving a "for lease" sign hanging on the door.

But on the foreign front, why stop just at the United Nations?



golden ticket member
Grade "friend". Citation noted, and rejected as a flawed source of information. (FAUX News). Think about your error and re-submit your ideas using your own thoughts. You still have a very small chance of passing this semester.

I've never seen that posted story before. WTH?


golden ticket member
I have never liked them....from Coffee & sons to the raping of 12 year old Vietnamese girls as a form of entertainment for these so-called men!! I have always said, kick them out of N.Y. and out of the country.


Für Meno :)
I agree with Moreluck on this one.

The US doesn't deserve to be any part of the United Nations or the world for that matter.

Moreluck wants to live in her own little world. That's all.
And I grant her that !

(being very sarcarstic now)



Well-Known Member
But then who will kiss Israhell's ass if her only b*tch leaves the UN? Who will VETO? Please moreluck, you don't want your fellow Americans to be labelled anti-semites do you..?


golden ticket member
I only want the useless UN to be kicked out of our country and go establish somewhere else. America needs to quit the club, stop the funding and quit trying to take care of the rest of the world.

During times like we are having now ( no jobs, high gas prices, unsecure borders, etc)..........take care of America first.

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