Unvaccinated UPS Driver who mocked Covid as hoax dies of Delta infection


Well-Known Member
Well, I hate to say it but the vaxxers were right.

After months of ruthlessly mocking provaxxers and spreading Covid disinformation on conspiracy / white supremacist sites, I finally died of Covid last night.

With my last ounce of strength from my final dying breath, I shaved & showered and took a selfie of me wearing an oxygenation mask and posted it to Twitter. You could tell I had been struggling to breathe for weeks by my dewy, radiant complexion and the peaceful contentment in my eyes, as if someone had paid me a large sum of money or something.

It was then that I uttered my final words...

Oh, sweet sorrow of my parting, how violent delights lead to such violent ends! And how vain was I, to bask in hubris even as the very Needle of Salvation was before me.

Oh, Vaccine! Your magnanimous Efficacy was mine to behold! But I, as a fool lost in his prideful ways, turned away from thee and cast scorn upon thy name.

Oh, Vaccine, Vaccine! How I cry thy name aloud! How I beg thee for salvation! Oh wretched folly of thy ways, how hath you bequeathed me none but regret! Alas, I will die here with this one final remorse... to have not taken Thee when I still had the chance...Vaccine...
funny how americans freaked out about terrorism which killed hardly any americans, and downplay covid which so far has killed 650,000 americans

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Humans have canine teeth not because we tore into muscle with them for our diets but instead are an evolutionary carryover and were used by our ancestors to fight rivals for mating rights.

So human canines weren’t for our diets……they were for biting other horney humans during :censored2: fights?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


Inordinately Right


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
No more apples to oranges in this thread
Shut er down
Germany just released a document that says 80% of all the reported COVID deaths was caused by something else. So if you had the virus but were killed in a car accident they would call it a covid death! Instead of saying you died WITH the virus they said FROM the virus. Busted

Netsua 3:16

Germany just released a document that says 80% of all the reported COVID deaths was caused by something else. So if you had the virus but were killed in a car accident they would call it a covid death! Instead of saying you died WITH the virus they said FROM the virus. Busted
-there’s a foreign report that supports what I think