UPS blows a Major Fl account


Well-Known Member
Re: next contract

Just a package driver said:
Has anyone heard anything about UPS possibly asking for concessions on wages? A rumor spread throught the mill lately has started that UPS will demand wage concessions in this next contract.

I figure its just a bad rumor, but it does sound like something that they would fight for, outside of controlling the pension funds.
Wage concessions and co-pay on health insurance. If you don't like it, quit. There are plenty of folks that will do your job for $20/hr & no benefits. Don't be angry with me, it's not my idea.


I would think that Co-Pay on benefits has to become a reality----it has already started in Calif with the Retail Clerks Union.Now some of them are selling because they can't compete with the non-union Wal Marts-------this is Free Enterprise at it's best-----whomever has the lowest costs can charge the lowest prices/rates!!

Would it still be a great job if you made $20 and hour and a had to pay a portion of the cost of the benefits?

Regarding UPS taking over the Teamster Pension Plan---isn't that what UPS was purposing in 1997 and the Teamsters did not want to relinquish it--no way--no how----and why woul dthey want to lose control of $$$$$Billions in pension money??