UPS Bows to Teamster Pressure, Negotiations to Resume Next Week

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
You don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
Unless you're a wop


Well-Known Member
Aunt Carol would do cartwheels if IBT really got their claws into Amazon.
That’s the thing that makes no sense. Why not give us what we are looking for and then tell O’Brien now go organize Amazon. A little birdie told Amazon and UPS relationship is much cozier than anyone actually realizes. Said Amazon was putting major pressure on UPS to not cave because they know if they do, Amazon is next. And we all know it would eat Amazon execs up if they actually had to pay a living wage. Went as far as to say they heard Amazon was financially supporting UPS to not cave. How that would work, I have no idea.

As far as well I know so and so on the negotiating committee, anyone on the negotiating committee signs an NDA, they are not allowed to utter a peep. I know a steward that is. Won’t tell anyone a thing. You can’t, if it gets traced back to you, you got major problems.
That’s the thing that makes no sense. Why not give us what we are looking for and then tell O’Brien now go organize Amazon. A little birdie told Amazon and UPS relationship is much cozier than anyone actually realizes. Said Amazon was putting major pressure on UPS to not cave because they know if they do, Amazon is next. And we all know it would eat Amazon execs up if they actually had to pay a living wage. Went as far as to say they heard Amazon was financially supporting UPS to not cave. How that would work, I have no idea.
Wall St and the government collaborate to suppress labor, this is nothing new or secret

where a director or CEO happens to sit today or tomorrow is pure kabuki theater


Well-Known Member
It is interesting that no one from ups has been on some stock market show pleading their case.
I’m not surprised. Carol is not involved in this. It’s beneath her. What are they gonna do, trot out some spokesperson. And it really doesn’t benefit them, first question did ups generate 100 billion in revenue last year? Well uh, uh, uh, yes we did.


Well-Known Member
well now.....what percentage of eligible teamsters voted on the strike authorization and what percentage will vote on any contract ?
That’s the thing that makes no sense. Why not give us what we are looking for and then tell O’Brien now go organize Amazon. A little birdie told Amazon and UPS relationship is much cozier than anyone actually realizes. Said Amazon was putting major pressure on UPS to not cave because they know if they do, Amazon is next. And we all know it would eat Amazon execs up if they actually had to pay a living wage. Went as far as to say they heard Amazon was financially supporting UPS to not cave. How that would work, I have no idea.

As far as well I know so and so on the negotiating committee, anyone on the negotiating committee signs an NDA, they are not allowed to utter a peep. I know a steward that is. Won’t tell anyone a thing. You can’t, if it gets traced back to you, you got major problems.


Well-Known Member
New communication is support mgmt must be at assignment on friday for 3 day "training'. There will be a go / no go decission made monday night and communicated tuesday if travel plans need to be booked. Sounds to me UPS is going give 1 more shot on monday to take deal but dont seem too condident in deal. I think they strike. Im on yalls side. They making me be a scab!


Well-Known Member
New communication is support mgmt must be at assignment on friday for 3 day "training'. There will be a go / no go decission made monday night and communicated tuesday if travel plans need to be booked. Sounds to me UPS is going give 1 more shot on monday to take deal but dont seem too condident in deal. I think they strike. Im on yalls side. They making me be a scab!
if this is true, which I’m not sure it is as I’ve heard so many “insider sources” that turned out wrong, then that’s disappointing as ups must not be coming with an objectively strong offer


Well-Known Member
New communication is support mgmt must be at assignment on friday for 3 day "training'. There will be a go / no go decission made monday night and communicated tuesday if travel plans need to be booked. Sounds to me UPS is going give 1 more shot on monday to take deal but dont seem too condident in deal. I think they strike. Im on yalls side. They making me be a scab!
I be don’t want to strike but I’d like to see supervision try to do it.

if this is true, which I’m not sure it is as I’ve heard so many “insider sources” that turned out wrong, then that’s disappointing as ups must not be coming with an objectively strong offer
people who've never driven are getting a 3 day PVD course starting Monday

people who've driven have to attend a 1 day refresher

they're checking expense cards but nobody is traveling yet, they'll wait on that till next weds


Well-Known Member
You sound like the pundits that were chastising Trump for “marching us toward World War III” for being tough on Kim Jong Un—when in reality his bluster got us closer to world peace than any other time in the modern era.

Thankfully, you’re not negotiating our contract for us.
Yet the same people saying that still support Biden after 2 years, countless deaths and billions upon billions of tax payer money to fund his war in Ukraine. Not to mention inflation and gas prices through the roof.