If they continue to slam I hit the button again. Four times in a row one morning.
Oh, its an effective way to get your point across, no doubt

. I had a steward right behind me once whom shut it off and refused to turn it back on until the safety supe showed up and saw the carnage. The Latino went as white as a sheet. No more slamming the aisle! lol
Especially 3 on 2s and 2 on 1. If I get so buried that can't reach the button, end up using a projectile small box to shut her down.
Ughhhh...not much got me going when I was sorting. You could yell at me, tell me my labels were bad, whatever but out-gunning me 2 to 1 was a nonstarter. I had a supe that was transferring think it'd be funny to go 2 on 1 in a paper load. I didn't kill the area but I sure went off on the unload supe for allowing that crap to go on when he was right outside the load. I told him I'd shut the area down if he didn't yank the supe out of there and call his boss.....immediately. I'll admit to being livid. He gave the order to kill the unload belts and pulled his counterpart out. She wass LIVID. He didn't want to call his boss but I swore I'd go to HR at break if he didn't. Five minutes later, safety and the sort manager showed up. The supe was given a dressing down but hey....it was her last day in the operation!
Anybody that works inside at Commerce City or Denver International would probably have heard of her. -Rocky