Can anyone old school ups tell me about the original UPS brown derby ups jackes that were worn for years. Derby jackets were made in s.friend. until the 1980's i see some derbys on e bay for over 100 bucks
I would like to know if any old school or new school ups guys and gals
remember the derby jackets, etc
thank you
I don't know if i'm old school but I started driving in '77 and retired in '06. I still have my IKE jacket, and it still fits. Plain brown, no logos, and I'm keeping it.
Over the years we had a few jackets. One was like a thin ski parka. Nasty thing, it turned greenish yellow as it aged, and looked awful. Many people will remember that one, thru the 80's. I also have a very nice 90's issued short jac with elastic waistband, and pen pocket (sign on WHAT line?) and the old logo. Won't be selling that one either. It was the best one.
Back in the day we had no logos, but everyone knew us because our package cars were spotless, our leather only shoes were shined, and we were well groomed and professional. No shorts, no goofy hats, no yellow socks, no rain gear, no cell phones or even pagers, and no computer to tell us everything we needed to know. We kept 3x5 cards in shoeboxes with info on them about how to find peoples homes out in the rural areas. Go on vacation? Gave the shoe box to the cover driver.
But we built a fine company to pass onto you younger drivers. You have a great job. Stop bitching all the time about every little thing. Remember, nobody came to you begging you to come work at UPS. You came to UPS and asked for a job. You got lucky, guys!
Maybe I am old school.