In my vehicle I have 2 letters that I work for 2 companies declared essential 1 for UPS and the other my full time job.
My day company has been practicing social distancing. Part of the staff is working from home The crew that comes in to the office has been separated . Being a manager I have my own office but other staff have moved into vacated offices and those in cubicles have been separated by a greater distance There are good practice signs everywhere, extra soap ,hand santizer,and Clorox wipes.Warehouse people are not allowed into the office area and visa versa.Our owner, we are a small business of about 300 employees has promised to keep everyone working as long as possible. The company will apply to the stimulus for a loan to keep everybody working.
At 4:45 I leave and go to the evening job where there is no hot water,empty soap dispensers ,filthy lavatories and work 2 feet from another employee.
But they have a a large video monitor as you enter the building posting Covid precautions. So we have that going for us which is nice .