Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
I'm not saying I disagree with you, but do you really think you can take a large pit bull in a fight? I would rather fight three guys at once, but that's just me.
Yea people don't understand the power of a Pitt. I grew up with multi Pitts do I do know first hand and I'll tell you right now if a full grown Pitt grabs you and starts pulling your screwed. All your attention will be on not being pulled over and any counter attack will go right out the window.
People say Pitts have lock-jaw but that's a myth. The truth is they are so strong that people think they have lock jaw.
They are incredibly strong but I have a 200 lb weight advantage. So if I know I am going to get bit I will try to get it to lock on to my forearm. Once its on my arm, I can get it up into the air and then body-slam it into the ground by landing right on top of it with all 270 lbs of my body weight. If possible I will also drive my knee into its ribs/midsection on my way down. Pit bulls don't have arms or hands so if they are locked onto you then you can take the thumb of your free hand and use it to dig their eyeball out. You have to put fear aside and unleash your inner animal in order to survive a fight with a pit bull. It is for that reason that I make every effort to befriend the pit bulls on my route with biscuits. Its better to make friends than enemies.
What he said ^^^^^^^^
A guy on my route had to step between his dog and a pitbul years ago. He was messed up pretty bad (but was at work the following Monday) but the pitbil ended up having to be put to sleep because of its injuries. He is a little smaller than what Sober describes himself as being and only a little bigger than me. Plus, some people have that inner animal Sober mentioned.

And if not then it's best you get a nice hard kick right in one of those spots that really hurts before they get a hold of you. So far that's all I've needed to do.
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