UPS driver caught on camera kicking Okolona family’s chihuahua in the face


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UPS driver caught on camera kicking Okolona family’s chihuahua in the face - Wave3

An Okolona woman is outraged after a UPS deliveryman kicked her Chihuahua in the face Saturday.

“My husband was watching it several times last night, and every time I heard Harvey yelp, you know,” a shaken up Michelle Shelton said.

Shelton watched the incident happen from her window, and it was also caught on camera. She had just let her 9-pound chihuahua, Harvey, out on his 15-foot lead.

“My dog never made contact with this guy, never made contact, he was only barking and he kicked the fire out of him,” Shelton said.


Retired 23 years
I had NO time for those little yappers. They have sharp teeth. Its probably a good thing there weren't many cameras around when I worked. I still remember having a lady yelling at me not to hurt her dog and me saying "hurt it hell---I'm going to kill it." :-)


Well-Known Member
Based on the description I was expecting the driver to actually kick the dog. Not whatI saw in that video. That was pretty tame. An ankle biter comes running up to me barking away it'll be much worse than that.

But her poor precious sweet baby...


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
UPS driver caught on camera kicking Okolona family’s chihuahua in the face - Wave3

An Okolona woman is outraged after a UPS deliveryman kicked her Chihuahua in the face Saturday.

“My husband was watching it several times last night, and every time I heard Harvey yelp, you know,” a shaken up Michelle Shelton said.

Shelton watched the incident happen from her window, and it was also caught on camera. She had just let her 9-pound chihuahua, Harvey, out on his 15-foot lead.

“My dog never made contact with this guy, never made contact, he was only barking and he kicked the fire out of him,” Shelton said.

The Okolona woman should be outraged with herself. Her own actions put the dog and others in a unnecessary position.

A good, responsible dog owner has total control over their animal at all times, especially aggressive or excitable one's. Such dogs are never to be within contact range of anyone. Like resisting arrest, actions have consequences.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The driver should sue the homeowner and the TV station.

Got to love how the tape was edited as not to show the before events. You can see the driver back up in a evasive move immediately before any defensive action. After the leg move you see him move away in hast.
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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The whole hit-piece is another great example of what the heck is going on in Liberal thinking. Personal responsibility of the dog owner is never questioned?


Well-Known Member
dogs should not be loose outside the house or other enclosed structure...and that means a lead line.....that driver has a job to do and should not be expected to deal with attacking animals no matter what size......the dog owners mentality is the root cause of the dog being pushed away...that driver showed proper restraint and should be commended by the management team for not being bitten which would complicate matters..


While Harvey is a resilient little guy, Shelton has filed a police report and is looking into animal cruelty charges.

“It’s not fair. You know, that guy weighs probably 200 pounds and Harvey weighs nine,” Shelton said. “There’s no way that he was going to hurt the guy, not going to hurt him at all.”

UPS issued the following statement: “What we’ve seen in the video is disturbing. We are investigating and will take appropriate action. While we do not comment on specific personnel issues, broadly speaking, UPS does not tolerate cruelty to animals or unprofessional behavior by our employees.”

Dear lord...


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
While Harvey is a resilient little guy, Shelton has filed a police report and is looking into animal cruelty charges.

“It’s not fair. You know, that guy weighs probably 200 pounds and Harvey weighs nine,” Shelton said. “There’s no way that he was going to hurt the guy, not going to hurt him at all.”

UPS issued the following statement: “What we’ve seen in the video is disturbing. We are investigating and will take appropriate action. While we do not comment on specific personnel issues, broadly speaking, UPS does not tolerate cruelty to animals or unprofessional behavior by our employees.”

Dear lord...
So now, sue the homeowner, the TV station, AND UPS.

Hire Lin Wood, Nick Sandmann's attorney from Atlanta.