This is most helpful. Ive been going round and round with ie people and people wanting me to change my co1 hours to meet their reductions. Went from 5hrs to 1.16 hours of allowed. Well, our sort runs roughly 4 hours, and i process intl for over 2hrs a night. Between me and center manager, we figured it to be about 37seconds per package that needs imaged. It takes longer than that to pull the invoices out just to take the picture...So ive been asked, pushed, harrassed by people in our building and outside of our building to "make the number work" as far as coding my co1 time. Told em i will not falsify my time card for anyone and if they cant accept that, ill call security and ask their opinion. Now next week they are sending the district manager to personally audit/time study my if its going to intimidate me. Im going to do my job the same as i do every night, let him see that the numbers are not realistic for our sort. I also process the early ams (shipsys) during the sort and those numbers arent factored into my time allowed. I get constant emails about quality, missing invoices, and problems from the cke sites not being able to get the information they need. Not my problem. I personally had every customer that ships intl through our center on an email list and first name basis where i could resolve any issues within a day. Now the customers are pissed...the cke site is pissed... And so are the sales agents trying to help the customers. Not because of my poor image taking.. But because they dont know who to call, or who to deal with. And somehow the
rolls downhill to me. On top of dealing with the ie dept about my 2hrs coded to co1 every night. What options/angle do i have here? Like i said, not worried about anyone coming because i dont cheat my numbers. Nor would i. Ive been around when mgmt has been walked out for fudging numbers. And it wont be me. The union doesnt recognize standards true...but what can i do to get these people off my back, and realize they created this, and this is the result...?
This is the same type of harassment that I have experienced in our building regarding the allowed time for processing/auditing international packages (1.16 hours in your case). As BUG mentioned, I would personally file a grievance for harassment. (Article 37) if it continues. We also have a sort span of approximately 4 hours which makes it impossible to have all your packages processed with this new image phone system regardless of the fact that we no longer have to manually image the invoices, certificate of origins, etc. on the scanner following the audit process. Anyone with any common sense that has actually done the job both before the new phone system and after knows this is impossible regardless of how you work.
This issue with FDC and the new technology is much like the Orion issue that drivers faced when it first came out. A group of young college educated I.E. people came up with this system and sold it as saving a lot of time and money for the company.......not realizing that all the headaches of actually auditing the international packages was still going to take place but simply in a different location (Louisville). Packages without invoices were still going to have to be held and obtained, incomplete paperwork for many shipments greater than $2500 were still going to be held, etc., etc..... I would personally bet that we were/are actually faster at doing the complete audit process in center rather than subcontracting part of the auditing work out to Louisville. This system is not working out as planned and they (I.E.) are therefore trying to
In closing.....another grievance (in addition to BUGS suggestion of Article 37) you may wish to file is Article 6 Sections 3 & 4) "Technological Change" . While you're at it you may also want to file an
Article 32 Subcontracting grievance:
For the purpose of preserving work and job opportunities for the
employees covered by this Agreement, the Employer agrees that no
work or services of the kind, nature or type, and including new
operations or buildings, covered by, presently performed, or hereafter
assigned to the collective bargaining unit will be subcontracted,
transferred, leased, assigned or conveyed in whole or in part to any
other plant, person or non-unit employees, unless otherwise provided
in this Agreement.
In addition to the the above grievances....a
lso, prepare to defend your processing time with photos, screenshots, etc.. I have been keeping a record of all issues that cost me extra time such as bugs in the system (photo attached), 20 page invoices, segregating all the multiple shipments when they are not on file (image label and docs), going back to the sort to look for international packages that the driver forgot to unload, etc.. Documentation is the key to making your point and preserving your work. I am all in on this so if you need any more help or assistance just let me know. I have done research on both of my I.E. harassers from UPS on LinkedIn. You may want to do the same ;-)
Section 3. New Equipment
Where new types of equipment and/or operations, for which rates
of pay are not established by this Agreement, are put into use after
the ratification date of this Agreement within operations covered by
this Agreement, rates governing such operations shall be subject to
negotiations between the parties. This paragraph shall apply to all
new types of equipment including office and clerical equipment. In
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Article 6
the event agreement cannot be reached within sixty (60) days after
the date such equipment is put into use, the matter may be submitted
to the National Grievance Committee for final disposition.
Rates agreed upon or awarded shall be effective as of the date
equipment is put to use.
Section 4. Technological Change
1. Technological change shall be defined as any significant change
in equipment or materials which results in a significant change in
the work of any classification of employees in the bargaining unit
or diminishes the number of workers in any classification of employees
in the bargaining unit. Such changes could include, but are
not limited to, the use of drones or driverless vehicles to transport,
deliver or pick-up packages, or platooning.
2. The Employer and the Union agree to establish a National
Teamster/UPS Committee for Technological Change, consisting of
an equal number of representatives from the Union and UPS. The
Committee shall meet upon request, but not less than three (3)
times per year, to review any planned technological changes covered
by this Section.
3. The Employer will advise the affected Local Unions and the National
Teamster/UPS Committee for Technological Change of any
proposed technological changes when the change has entered the
field testing phase or at least six (6) months prior to the implementation
of such change except where the change was later determined
in which case the Employer shall provide as much notice as
possible. In all cases, the Company will provide notice of any technological
change covered by this Section before the technology is
4. The Employer shall be required to provide the National Teamster/
UPS Committee for Technological Change, any relevant information
to the extent available regarding the technological changes.
5. The Employer will meet with the National Teamster/UPS Committee
for Technological Change, promptly after notification to negotiate
regarding the effects of the proposed technological changes.