UPS expects to break shipping records with 2020 holiday season


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UPS expects to break shipping records with 2020 holiday season - WDRB

The Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport is a beehive of activity as UPS is in the midst of its peak shipping season.

Getting those packages under the tree on time is not quite as easy as clicking that “buy now” button. UPS starts preparing for peak holiday season in January, and those plans kicked into high gear this year with a spike in online shopping because of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We are looking at a record peak season,” said Jim Mayer, public relations manager for UPS. “When you take a look at the increased volume we've already seen because of the pandemic with people at home shopping, and add that to the holiday shopping, we are extremely busy."


Retired 23 years
Muhammad Ali International Airport? Seriously? OK -the guy could box but one minute they are taking all his titles away because he was a draft dodger and the next they name a friggin airport after him? Seriously? What is next? The Obama International Airport? He didn't do anything for the country either.

old levi's

blank space
Muhammad Ali International Airport? Seriously? OK -the guy could box but one minute they are taking all his titles away because he was a draft dodger and the next they name a friggin airport after him? Seriously? What is next? The Obama International Airport? He didn't do anything for the country either.
Slippery slope, Rod.
He will always be Cassius Clay to me.

I thought draft dodger was a special Medal of Honor.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Muhammad Ali International Airport? Seriously? OK -the guy could box but one minute they are taking all his titles away because he was a draft dodger and the next they name a friggin airport after him? Seriously? What is next? The Obama International Airport? He didn't do anything for the country either.
What exactly did Bob Hope do to have an airport formally named after him?


Retired 23 years
What exactly did Bob Hope do to have an airport formally named after him?
Bob Hope spent more time entertaining the troops from WWII all the way to Vietnam that anyone else. He went where the troops were not just to safe places. I saw him when I was in Vietnam. I have NO problem with an airport named after him.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Bob Hope spent more time entertaining the troops from WWII all the way to Vietnam that anyone else. He went where the troops were not just to safe places. I saw him when I was in Vietnam. I have NO problem with an airport named after him.
So he was an entertainer that you are fond of? Cool. I have NO problem with an airport being named after a man who had stood for what he believed in, at great cost to his professional and personal life, at the risk of prison, to fight a POINTLESS war that America lost.


Retired 23 years
So he was an entertainer that you are fond of? Cool. I have NO problem with an airport being named after a man who had stood for what he believed in, at great cost to his professional and personal life, at the risk of prison, to fight a POINTLESS war that America lost.
Thanks to the politicians who get us into these messes America hasn't won a war since WWII---what is your point? Are you blaming the troops who fought the battles? Bob Hope is still a bigger man the Ali ever was. Ali didn't honor his draft notice for one reason and one reason only----it had nothing to do with his "beliefs"---he was chicken. He just used "beliefs" as an excuse.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Thanks to the politicians who get us into these messes America hasn't won a war since WWII---what is your point? Are you blaming the troops who fought the battles? Bob Hope is still a bigger man the Ali ever was. Ali didn't honor his draft notice for one reason and one reason only----it had nothing to do with his "beliefs"---he was chicken. He just used "beliefs" as an excuse.
Poor and middle class young men are not to blame for getting sent to die and be damaged in pointless international conflicts. We can agree on that. Look up the numbers on how many conscientious objectors didn't have Ali's money and legal team, but still refused to go die in the jungles of Vietnam for no tangible reason. Many thousands went to prison. You know why? On principle. I respect the sacrifice of those that did go fight, but I also respect those that did not go for genuine motives. It's easy to call those that think differently than you "chicken." Working at the VA in my early twenties and hearing some of the vets tell stories of BOYS crying out for their mothers as they bled out in some dirty jungle doesn't sound pleasant or worth it. Not for the American military machine.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Thanks to the politicians who get us into these messes America hasn't won a war since WWII---what is your point? Are you blaming the troops who fought the battles? Bob Hope is still a bigger man the Ali ever was. Ali didn't honor his draft notice for one reason and one reason only----it had nothing to do with his "beliefs"---he was chicken. He just used "beliefs" as an excuse.
I also agree that the last military conflict that produced a tangible result was WWII. The rest of our engagements since then have been America sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. Many thousands of our young men have died for this, and it is a shame. War mongering nations only last so long....#Rome.