UPS in 2022


Well-Known Member
Tups, and 2slow,
I agree with you. I was being conservative with the '84 Ford, Both are of you are making my point further if you are driving older vehicles.

Goes to show that in '22, we won't be driving the latest, safest, most fuel efficeint vehicles. We will be driving gas guzzilers made in the early 90's:dissapointed:.

Its funny. UPS is quick to point out it uses a "green" hydro-electric vehicle in its publications like "inside UPS", but the reality is 98% of there vehicles get less than 10 miles to the gallon and all you can smell is gas fumes while you drive it.


Well-Known Member
To all of you drivers that predict that in 2022 we will be driving 1990's package cars, I have one question:
How high will a gallon of gas be in 2022? At what price would the company say "To hades with these fossil fuels?"


Well-Known Member
BrownSanta, your tongue is firmly in your cheek, but I had not thought of a robotic uniform. The closest I have seen that idea was Sigourney's Exo suit in the best of the Alien movies, number 2("Let go of her, you b++ch!"). I certainly see this in an unload situation, but not in a driver application.
I know how giddy we all on this site get when we start kvetching about PAS/PAL, but really, I am old enough to remember the drivers screaming about diad 1 and how could we trust any system except a person's signature on a piece of paper? This too, shall pass.
The robot arms remind me of the chipmunks in the canned tomato factory in the old Looney Tunes cartoons. I know you were using this to comic effect, but I can't see it. Hydraulics, maybe. But I firmly believe that drivers, unloaders and preloaders will not be replaced by machines in my lifetime. Pickoffs could be replaced and have been in that new hub.But those jobs will be here for a while.

While most of what I wrote was mainly to make a few people chuckle, some of it is either currently being worked on or has already been developed. If you've ever seen a video of a car assembly plant, then you can visualize a robotic arm that loads package cars.

The robotic uniform was kinda way out there.

Looks like fedex is investing in the research to build/design pkg car loader robots.

The future is not as far away as some may think it is. The good thing is, if ups implements anything like this in the same way it implemented PAS/EDD then it may be 20-30 yrs. before it gets done properly.
Loaders and unloaders still makind 8 $/h for a start and the health benefits will start after 60 months of service; union dues will be 499 $/months


Well-Known Member
I will be driving a ups train, gave up feeder years ago, this is a sweet mileage run, 12,000 miles a week. Pkgs will not have address labels, all rfid, no scaners for hub employees, batch scan done at rail ports. We do all usps movements over 400 miles. We had to build a few thousand extra miles of rail lines , to bypass major congestion zone , but many other miles where built by the now defunct can/mex RR. Luckely for UPS, the cost of rail road construction crews are really cheap, with the addition of all the illeagal chinese imigrants, that disgusted all of the "south of the border" visitors ,that went back to their now wealthy homeland. No new package cars here, but they did add heated bumpers, to keep the hands of our pushers hands warm in cold weather. The pkg launch system will be talked about later in the "window of opportunity" ver 9.8 ..


Well-Known Member
a post from the future: say errrr Tooner12 I was trying to shoot this HSN pkg through the kitchen window,, I got the "tone," but the ngps system must not have been calibrated, now this older woman comes out to the street, with her dogs AND gun,, yadda yadda yadda


Well-Known Member
maybe the reason that China is illegally shipping some of their people over here in wal mart containers, is that as children, they had to play with lead based painted toys that the USA sent back..Im done... thanks for the vent.


Well-Known Member
" I will be driving a UPS train." Terry Mac, now that is a prediction. I always wondered whether UPS had any designs on a railroad , so please let me add this prediction:
Norfolk Southern is now UPS Rail.
Amtrak is now Rail Blue.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Feeders, airplanes and hubs will be will be totally eliminated. UPS got their hands on the plans for the transporters used on Star Trek and has installed at least one in every center. Beam me up Scotty:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
We will no longer have preloaders or assigned routes. cars no longer parked inside building along belt. instead there will be a bucket slide system. that consist of individual slide area for each route that can hold enough packages to fill a package car installed running along the belt, a robotic arm will PAL then push packages off the belt as they pass by into each slide area. drivers will be told which car to use and what route they will do when they punch in. this way the company can design new routes each day and have the option to choose the size of package car and the driver who will run it based on his historical profile. the driver will back up to the slide of the route assigned to him and load his own car, he will also be required to unload his pickups each day then park the car in the lot. this will eliminate preloaders, carwashers, and package car unloaders.

I think its probably the most realistic.


Retired 23 years
When you are the King of the Hill, somebody will come along and try to knock you off of your throne. Ask any former REA driver, remember them?
When I started in 1971 I had a friend that drove for REA. (Railway Express Agency for those who never heard of them). I remember him telling me that he wished UPS would take some of his business because he had too much.


I predict UPS will no longer be in business.
I think you are wrong man.
Theres only one way to get a physical object from one place to another whether it be 15 years ago,now, or 15 years from now,and that is to pay someone to take it there,or do it yourself.UPS will be up and running and our logo will be "pick the best, pick UPS",real ground breaking stuff.
fedex will find it challenging, when they are forced to hire,or fire all of thier contractors,they will attempt what we are known for,air and ground at the same time.Good luck to Fred.


free at last.......
I predict by 2022 that volume levels will have dropped considerably as only the top 10-20% of the population will be able to afford anything but the neccesities. Most won't even be able to afford those.

That is, of course, unless this country gets its head out of its :censored2: and turns things around. Sorry..........I call 'em as I see 'em. Hope I'm wrong.