UPS In an Acquiring Mood?



peterdriver ( hehe this little kid playing with his peter really cracks me up) perhaps someday you can grow up to be a real feeder driver. Until then see if you can stay focused long enough to answer a direct question. Your on here fighting the holy fight to protect union jobs from the independent contractor. Meanwhile your union jobs are under a direct threat from Fedex who is doing very well with what most of you would consider substandard benifits. What if anything have you demanded your union do to protect its bread and butter from this threat. Please answer the question peter driver.


I demanded them to organize FedEx.
Ya happy now, ya wanker?

Go smoke the bone jizzwhiz. And quit pretending to be some veteran fulltime supervisor. Your just a punk kid.


Any firther news on the potential UPS acquisition in Mexico?



What a shame that this thread turned into a Tieguy vs Feederdryver argument.

I think they should kiss and make up!

If you do your research, you will see that UPS missed it's third quarter earnings by three cents per share. The financial guys will tell you that a three cents miss to the downside is huge.

I really think that UPS will start cost cutting rather than acquiring anything right now. The economy is not showing any signs of recovery. The good thing is that our stock has held it's ground.

Feederdryver - your service to that customer is what we all need to be doing to get our business meeting analyst's expectations. Good job. The comments that you make about the use of trains and Logistics miss the mark. The trains, as stated by WKMAC, are cheaper than putting our equipment on the road for all of those legs. The reason that we use independant contractors for Logistics rather than Teamsters is that we only have to use the independants when we are required to - not when a contract requires us to. Make sense? Feeder jobs are not going anywhere if we are picking up packages in our core business!

Tieguy - I know a lot of Feeder Drivers. They are all proud of what they do....and they are genuinely concerned about making their scheduled runs on time. The Feeder Drivers that run over-allowed will be dealt with like any other performance problem. Enough management documentation, and the Teamsters won't suport them after a while.

Personally, I look for UPS to take a hard look at the subsidiaries, and shed those not making a profit.


"Go smoke the bone jizzwhiz. And quit pretending to be some veteran fulltime supervisor. Your just a punk kid."

The problem is you can't answer the question. So you try to use the rank and stature issue as some type of slur. In the process you are mentally unable to handle the slur returned. In fact you can't handle anything. I'm going to post the question again try real hard to pay attention.


I think they should take their discussion to the 'Whining' thread or to the woodshed, whichever is best.



Question again: You have been fighting to preserve union jobs internally by grieving any alleged use of contractors. Meanwhile Fedex a non-union company is taking your packages and taking your union jobs with it. What are you personally doing to ensure your union helps its bread and butter UPS against Fedex? See its real simple if you not doing a dammn thing then it means your grievance action is actually vindictive and spitefull and meant to help destroy UPS.


"Tieguy - I know a lot of Feeder Drivers. They are all proud of what they do....and they are genuinely concerned about making their scheduled runs on time. The Feeder Drivers that run over-allowed will be dealt with like any other performance problem. Enough management documentation, and the Teamsters won't suport them after a while."

Not sure what you think I'm addressing here. I know quite a few feeder drivers myself. I listened to this guy and his holy war against UPS to protect union jobs. I want to know what he is doing to fight the non-union threat. I want to know if the guy is actually trying to do one single thing to help UPS. Because if he ain't then the fact is he is not on our team. I really think its a reasonable question to ask , don't you?


I think they should take their discussion to the 'Whining' thread or to the woodshed, whichever is best.



Tieguy: I think Feederdryver said in his original post here that he did get a Fedex package, didn't he?

He also answered your question before you asked it by telling his TDU brothers and the Teamsters that they needed to be out grabbing all of the Fedex packages that they can.

I was merely responding to your attacks on a post that appeared to be positive in nature - not anti-company.

Maybe Feederdryver doesn't understand the financial sense of utilizing the could help by educating him - not by attacking his positive post!


Pro I think you would have to stretch your perspective to see anything positive come from feeder driver. I would also think that you would not use words like attack if you were sincerely providing an objective analysis. In my humble opinions the comment made about fedex was at the most window dressing a token verbal effort while his efforts against UPS have required a great deal of personal time and effort. To me the guy clearly is out to bite the hand that feeds him oblivious to the fact that the jobs he alleges lost internally are in comparison a drop in the bucket to the ones non-union fedex threatens to take. Many of you thought the customers would come running back screaming once the contract was settled. The contract was settled early what else could we have done with it. Yet the numbers are clearly showing that Fedex once again has greatly benifited from our labor difficulties. While Feeder Dryver fights over the last drumstick the wolves are cleaning out the pens.


Good Grief,
Is it really all that bad? Can't we just all get along? :-))I have had a good time on this site, but it is turning into worse than a pissing contest. What is strange to me is that we All have a common interest here, but it would seem we can't agree on anything. My main concern is that UPS does well. Not only because I am invested in it, but because I really believe in the company. I have done my best for almost 23 years and I guess I am truly brown. I have my problems as all of you do, but in the end I keep on trying.

Tieguy, you will surely become less angry with time, and so will the people you are making angry. (I hope)


"I demanded them to organize FedEx.
Ya happy now, ya wanker?
Go smoke the bone jizzwhiz. And quit pretending to be some veteran fulltime supervisor. Your just a punk kid."

Here's another post by your buddy. Compare that to mine and tell my why you chose to call my post "angry".


"Your worried about being cost effective ?, how about upper management giving back some of their "year ends' fat sloppy bonuses they all recieve for all that "fraudulent" paperwork they turn in to Atlanta?? "

Proups and dammor heres another "positive" post from you buddy.




I've never even filed a grievance over sub-contracting. As a matter of fact the only grievance I ever filed in my career at UPS was over seniority. What do expect me to do brain?
I only have control over me, myself, and I, and how those 3 people do their job to help our customers. I can't believe you have very much experience in the management world. I told my bosses to read some of your posts and they all said what a complete maroon you are. They think your an embarrassment to the management team. (Of course they chided me regarding my last joke on the "piss and whining thread" hehe)
I hope you decide to switch to another company while your young. With this attitude you have, your gonna get tons of negative feedback from UPS when the next place you work for, decides to do a pre-employment follow up on you.

Proups-- using the rail over using drivers comes out to cost the same believe it or not. I went over the costs with my Feeder manager. Right now it seems its just a problem of equipment shortages due to UPS cutting their budgets while the economy is bad. I can understand that....for now.
As far as tieturd goes, I will not waste anymore of my time arguing with him. He obviously has an axe to grind with anyone that doesn't share his same values and beligerent accusations. All I want is to be on the Brown Team as a Teamster. Is that all that bad??



And I suppose your bosses thought your comment about fudging numbers to drum up MIP were okay. Your totally full of it.