Article 40 continued...
Section 3- Air Hub and Gateway Operations
Employees presently working in or hired into existing air hubs and/or gateways shall continue to work under the present agreements covering the air hub and gateway operations. If no agreement exists, Article 40 Sec 3 shall apply. However, if Sec 3 is silent, the appropriate Supplement, Rider or Addendum, if it addresses that subject, will apply. Supplemental language applicable to ground operations shall not apply to air hub or gateway operations unless the parties specifically agree. In order for the Employer to remain competitive and to meet service it may use air sorts to process ground packages moved by air and other time definite package and move such packages in air loads. Ground packages processed in air sorts may not be delivered by air drivers as air packages. When air facilities are otherwise utilized to process ground packages the terms of the Supplemental Agreements will apply. Part-time Air hub employees (skilled and unskilled both still payd $8.00/hr) will not be allowed to process ground packages at air facilities. Say goodbye to part-time and full time higher paying jobs at current ground hub facilites.
a. Workweek
1. The workweek for air hub and gateway employees may be any combination of days in a work week up to five days *Removed Language* "shall consist of any 5 days in a 7 day period"*Removed Language. Split work week, any combination of these imaginable
2. *Removed Language*" Air hub and gateway employees hired prior to August 1st 1997 shall have the right to maintain the work week in existence at that time if such workweek exists."*Removed Language*
b. Daily guarantees unchanged
c. Holidays unchanged
d. rest periods unchange
e Newly expanded hubs and Gateways unchanged
friend. Seniority minor change fixing grammar in a sentence
g. Start times unchanged
h. rain gear unchanged
Section 4 Start Times for Air Shuttle and Air Feeder Drivers
Because of the nature of *removed language*"the"*removed language* its air and time definite business, regular air shuttle and *removed language*"air feed"*removed language* feeder drivers may have flexible start times *removed language*"on Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and/or Holidays *Removed Language* to coincide with the needs of the Employers air and time definite operations. Feeder work is done under part-time air guidelines
Section 5 Grievance Procedure
a. unchanged
b. All grievances, controversies and/or disputes concerning the Air Operation shall be subject to the regular grievance procedure. Any decision rendered by a local, state, or area panel which interprets Article 40 shall not be precedent setting in any other *removed language*"factual"*removed language* case
c. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or applicability of this Article including cases which have been deadlocked at the lower level shall be submitted to the Joint National Air Committee for resolution. *Removed Language*"If the case cannot be decided by the Air Committee it shall be referred directly to the Parcel rest of -page is missing-*Removed Language*
Section 6 Wages
All hourly wages for employees covered under Article 40 will be determined entirely by this Section. However, these employees shall be entitled to the profit share agreed upon in Article 22 or Article 41 as applicable.
a. Part-time Air Drivers on the payroll as of August 1st 1997
Start... $10.00
Seniority ... 55% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 12 months.... 60% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 18 months....65% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 24 months... 70% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
b. Part-time employees hired or bidding into part-time air driver or less than 8 hour combination jobs after August 1st 1997
Start... $10.00
Seniority... $10.50
Seniority Date plus 12 months ... 55% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 24 months ... 60% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 36 months .... 65% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 48 months ... 70% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
No base wage rate increase and the two year progression to reach top rate of pay is now increased to 4 years. (Above and Below)
c. Full-time Air Drivers
Start.... $10.00
Seniority... 60% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 12 months .... 65% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 18 months .... 70% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
Seniority Date plus 24 months .... 75% of the prevailing pkg driver rate
d. Employees who are scheduled full or part-time air drivers as of August 1, 1997 will be placed into the progression in paragraph 6a or 6c above as applicable based on their seniority as an air driver unless paragraph 6g below applies.
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J. Full-time employees bidding into an air driver job with more than two years seniority shall be slotted at the 24 month rate in Section 6c and full time employees with less than 2 years seniority shall be slotted into the appropriate progression rate in Section 6c above.
k. Air hub and gateway employees shall be paid at the "All Others" rate of pay as shown in Article 22 of this Agreement
All Air Hub Employees are still paid at the pathetic $8.00 per hour rate of pay that has been in effect since the Air Operation was created in 1987. That rate applies to both skilled and un-skilled Employees. Skilled Employees in Ground Hub operations start at $9.00/hr. What's wrong with this picture?
l. Air operation employees who are covered by a daily guarantee shall receive the same rest period provisions as outlined in the appropriate Supplement, Rider of Addendum.
Proposed July 22, 1997