Ups local leaders unanimously endorse ups tentative agreement


Well-Known Member
I hate to piss on your cornflakes, but after August 1st, if this trash contract passes, you will need to work until you are 57 unless you are willing to go without insurance until you are 57.
Are you still seeing rainbows and buttercups?

This is not necessarily true and may vary based on your regional supplement, not the NMA. In Upstate NY he would have to work 3 more years.


Well-Known Member
In Hoffaland, everything Hoffa wants is agreed to unanimously. Every Hofficer automatically agrees with Hoffa. Those are the rules. Even if it's not unanimous, it IS unanimous. Get it?

Remember that 2002 special convention that Hoffa called to raise your dues? Well the dues increase passed by unanimous acclaim. Except that it didn't. I know. I was there as a reform delegate. I voted no. I guess I didn't really exist.

Now this is hard to believe, but Hoofa, I mean Hoffa, has won every election unanimously!!

But most importantly for this forum, Hoofa, I mean Hoffa, is in the process of assuring everybody that this contract will pass unanimously!!

Oh, I gotta go now, because some maroon is telling me I'm having a bad nightmare. Who-faa. Hoe-faa. Fa-Fa-Fooey.

Was there an actual VOTE with ballots or was it like "all for say ay"...."all against say no"?? That would not be a valid vote.


Well-Known Member
Hey Realbrown that is correct. The premium goes up to $200 for you and $400 for you and spouse in 2017. It doesn't matter if your spouse is employed elsewhere, It is your option to pay for this insurance and use it first if it is better for you. And a shout out to you Yeldarb....I see your point and Union employ is a hell of a lot safer these days then to be at a companies mercy. But come on. UPS is not going out of business anytime in the next millenium so don't be too concerned if we ask for a bit more. My whole issue with the Union and this proposal is this: hall has all kinds of rallies to protect our healthcare and rants about we are not paying more when this company is making a good profit. Yet what does he agree on? They want us to help spread the word about CEO's in America now making 400 times the average worker when it use to be 40, yet they settle for give backs. I could see if we were hurting for business and losing money. Of course we are not going to bite the hand that feeds us but, COME ON. They can do better. I really think it's a backstabbing move to raise the monthly fee for retired workers. That is the biggest cheap shot to me. You retire and are on a fixed income and now you will be paying $250 more A MONTH in a few years. CHEAP SHOT!!!! On Hoffa's retirement package I'm sure he won't have a problem. But the guys who busted their ass for so many years working at Big Brown are going to get slapped again. Hoffa is no better then our CEO if that's agreement he accepts. Sorry.....I'm voting no. They can do better.


Well-Known Member
I heard it was 55, not 57.
This is what else I have heard, but not seen in writing yet.

This is Western Conference I am talking here:
If you retire before Jan 1, 2014 you will stay on WC (UPS) health care. Same rules, but $50 a month for you, and $50 for spouse, and $50 for each child still under 26. Goes to $100 a month per in 2015 and $150 a month per in 2016
If you retire on or after Jan 1, 2014 you will be covered under WC pension, but Teamcare (CS) health care. If you retire before 55 years old, no health care coverage until you turn 55. No child insurance coverage at all. Spouse is only able to be covered if she doesn't work for a company that CAN provide health care (even if spouse has to pay for it out of pocket) and then it is $50 per month for you and $50 per month for spouse. Goes up to $100 month per in 2015 and $150 per month in 2016.
Feel free to correct any of this. I have only heard it at work, not seen it in writing yet.

Are you saying that our pensions in the western conference will now be the same as CS??? I thought we were only going into the health care portion.


Well-Known Member
Was there an actual VOTE with ballots or was it like "all for say ay"...."all against say no"?? That would not be a valid vote.

Voice only. Like you said "all in favor, say aye..all opposed, say no." You see, a vote with actual paper ballots, would have an actual tally that would have to be announced. Then those numbers could be used against the Hoffa camp. Plus, with a voice vote, the Old Guard supporters got to yell "aye" as loud as they possibly could. (It WAS a valid vote, because Hoffa said it was.)

But I can tell you almost exactly what the vote would have been if there had been actual paper or electronic ballots. The vote would have been about 1,752 in favor of the dues increase, and about 134 against the dues increase.

I know that because the delegates to the April, 2002, one day special convention were the same delegates who had attended the June, 2001 regular, four and a half day Teamsters quinquennial convention. The federal government mandates actual ballots for voting for candidates up for nominations at regular conventions. But they do not control special conventions.

I remember that reform candidate for General President Tom L got exactly 134 votes from delegates at that 2001 convention. I think Hoffa got about 1,752.

Of course, all of the Hoffa delegates didn't dare vote against what Hoffa wanted at the special convention. Of course, all of the Leedham delegates knew that "A Nickel an Hour for Teamster Power" (the slogan used to spin the dues increase vote) was a bunch of BS. The dues increase was more so that Hoffa would have even more money to be used to pass out to keep Teamster employees owing something to Hoffa in return.

Also, the extra cash taken from members would allow Hoffa to claim that the Union was in far greater financial shape than when Ron Carey was GP. Well, yeah, since back when Ron Carey actually had the consideration to have all 1.4 milion Teamsters vote on a proposed dues increase, while at the time, the Old Guard were screaming AGAINST that dues increase (which failed). But on the matter of a potential dues increase, the OG flipped and flopped like a hooked salmon after Hoffa became GP.
A lot of things. Do you need dozens more people to list them?

Your credibility on serious matters is shot in my mind. You know damn well a lot of people have very real concerns yet you're doing your best to plug your ears while you continue to spread your agenda, whatever that could be. You support this contract, that is just great. There are definitely some positives in there and things can always be worse.

"What's not to like" is the theme of your last 300 posts. You deflect criticism towards this contract in hilarious fashion.

What's the deal bro, what local you from and what are you peddling? Stink and yourself were here, decked out in knee-pad regalia, fellating Hoffa/Hall before most of us knew a detail. Was that part of the plan because at best this contract is status quo leaning towards concessionary. You either give back some or get some and we seem to be giving more than we're getting, that's what's not to like.

Union peddler: You make $15/hr. UPS wants a -14/hr concession. The union wants a +1/hr raise. Settle for a -7/hr concession and claim victory to the membership.

The recent newsletter they sent is riddled with that logic. UPS treats it's peons like morons and "our" union does the same to it's membership. If you didn't see the return address you'd think this flier was contract "information" from UPS corporate. I don't think I'm the only one who is uncomfortable with that. The master plan must be to alienate all membership and concede past victories until everything is eroded. Is that what Hoffa was paid to do?

When are you going to go back to bickering with UpstateNYUPSer and drop the used car salesmen act?
Ok I get that people don't like this contract and they are allowed to voice it on this forum. If I like this contract I'm a jerk? Ok that's fine because this contract WILL pass. Do I like every part of this contract? Nope but do I know a lot more about the real particulars that most here yes. I know you don't want to believe this but ups would have let us strike over this healthcare issue. A strike at this time in the good old republican country of the United States of America would have been devastating at this time. Remember everyone wants to elect republican governors and the general publics perception is anti union.

Vote it down I don't care I have enough senority to work but when customers start walking a lot of teamsters won't. Am I a defeatist?? Nope I'm a realist and I know a lot of the real story. I can't post it on this forum because my :censored2: chose the screen name anonymous on oct 31 2009 and I would bring a lot of heat on my local. This is something I'm not willing to do.

If you are willing to gamble vote it down but you young guys who don't like a four year progression will gladly except it if hind sight is 20/20 after or volume is devistated when customers go to fedex ground forever. THe only thing we have going if we have a strike is that guy you all love to hate Obama. He would probably be on our side.

Im out of this contract debate from here on out. The posters who liked your slam on me have spoken. God bless. I'm going back to being fun and goofy you guys have your labor forum.


Well-Known Member
Wow 407 you just presented exactly what's wrong with our Union. You spread strike fear and then say you know the real story but can't share it. So why are you here. A Steward is someone that is suppose to give people the real story. Who exactly are you afraid of. I still don't believe you are the person you say you are. And what do you mean if we strike you have enough seniority to work? Thinking about scabbing? UPS is in no way going to strike. Wait let me say that again....UPS IS IN NO WAY GOING TO GET TO THE POINT OF STRIKING!!!!! It's not only the health care that people have issues with, and a few minor fixes might satisfy everyone. You make it sound like people want to throw out the whole damn thing and start over. Quit spreading fear and vote the way you want. I think over there in Local 407 you should look at your representation the next time a Steward vote rolls around. You need people with bigger Nads then this guy.

smart girl

Well-Known Member
So they know the people don't want this with all the unknowns and questions and he went ahead and endorsed it?
Election coming up. And who cares whatever is being said on all these forums are basic questions and concerns. He
works for you so it might be him who should be careful I would think.


Well-Known Member
Hey 407 who's putting these fears in your head anyway? Are you one of those Stewards that sucks up to management so your day goes nice and smooth? That's what you are sounding like to me. Management should be worried when something is going on and you come around the corner. Sounds like they are feeding you a line of crap about how we will lose all kinds of work if we don't approve this contract. Or the company will not make any concessions to the offer on the table. Are you that naive? There is NO reason that we should be accepting these kind of concessions in this contract. NO REASON!!!! If they at least made a reasonable offer it would be different but from what I am reading they really went for our jugular. Last contract we were heading into a recession and understandably we had to accept a not so great contract. Volume has gone up significantly since then, and the company is making tons of money. If the Union was ever going to fight for an exceptionally good contract it should be this one. What is their excuse this time? They always have one. hall shoots off his mouth like a tough guy and then hands us this crap to vote on? Really? Stand up for what you believe and vote this down. There will be no strike. 407 is a double agent and when he says he has enough seniority to work....good for him. That's what a Union is all about right pal? As long as you will be ok...then we can vote no. And you can call me whatever names you want, it's not a personal thing it's about our rights for the dues we pay. This contract is crap, and there is no language that guarantees that they won't screw us later if we accept this healthcare. They can raise these rates at any time they want. Which by the way we were told otherwise. Tired of paying the Union to lie to us. How about the rest of you?


Senior Member
Hey 407 who's putting these fears in your head anyway? Are you one of those Stewards that sucks up to management so your day goes nice and smooth? That's what you are sounding like to me. Management should be worried when something is going on and you come around the corner. Sounds like they are feeding you a line of crap about how we will lose all kinds of work if we don't approve this contract. Or the company will not make any concessions to the offer on the table. Are you that naive? There is NO reason that we should be accepting these kind of concessions in this contract. NO REASON!!!! If they at least made a reasonable offer it would be different but from what I am reading they really went for our jugular. Last contract we were heading into a recession and understandably we had to accept a not so great contract. Volume has gone up significantly since then, and the company is making tons of money. If the Union was ever going to fight for an exceptionally good contract it should be this one. What is their excuse this time? They always have one. hall shoots off his mouth like a tough guy and then hands us this crap to vote on? Really? Stand up for what you believe and vote this down. There will be no strike. 407 is a double agent and when he says he has enough seniority to work....good for him. That's what a Union is all about right pal? As long as you will be ok...then we can vote no. And you can call me whatever names you want, it's not a personal thing it's about our rights for the dues we pay. This contract is crap, and there is no language that guarantees that they won't screw us later if we accept this healthcare. They can raise these rates at any time they want. Which by the way we were told otherwise. Tired of paying the Union to lie to us. How about the rest of you?



The Milkman

Well-Known Member
Hey 407 who's putting these fears in your head anyway? Are you one of those Stewards that sucks up to management so your day goes nice and smooth? That's what you are sounding like to me. Management should be worried when something is going on and you come around the corner. Sounds like they are feeding you a line of crap about how we will lose all kinds of work if we don't approve this contract. Or the company will not make any concessions to the offer on the table. Are you that naive? There is NO reason that we should be accepting these kind of concessions in this contract. NO REASON!!!! If they at least made a reasonable offer it would be different but from what I am reading they really went for our jugular. Last contract we were heading into a recession and understandably we had to accept a not so great contract. Volume has gone up significantly since then, and the company is making tons of money. If the Union was ever going to fight for an exceptionally good contract it should be this one. What is their excuse this time? They always have one. hall shoots off his mouth like a tough guy and then hands us this crap to vote on? Really? Stand up for what you believe and vote this down. There will be no strike. 407 is a double agent and when he says he has enough seniority to work....good for him. That's what a Union is all about right pal? As long as you will be ok...then we can vote no. And you can call me whatever names you want, it's not a personal thing it's about our rights for the dues we pay. This contract is crap, and there is no language that guarantees that they won't screw us later if we accept this healthcare. They can raise these rates at any time they want. Which by the way we were told otherwise. Tired of paying the Union to lie to us. How about the rest of you?
