People like Osama bin Laden and Israeli puppet Al Baghdadi are like air mattresses thay can be propped up anytime anywhere as convenient to suit the objectives of their puppeteers. Which is why every country has intelligence agencies. And said agencies have proxies. A mizrahi jew(if u dont know what this is then google it) can easily grow a bread, pretend to be a muslim cleric and fool frustrated common muzies to join him in a protracted fake war against westerners.
Similarly a white muslim man example: a white chechen muslim can easily shave off his beard, dye his hair blonde and easily work for his countrie's intelligence agency.
Most Americans loose their

e when it comes to muzzies. But Jews who have huge beards, are religious zealots, force their women to wear modest clothing/shave their hair, wear a head covering YES a head covering like those muslim women, are extremely nasty and hateful when it comes to non jews, have their own armed radical militias in Israel are heralded as champions of freedom???
Not to say there are sane jews as well obviously.
You see the game is all about creating targets/enemies that are as elusive as possible. And to give each side goals/mission objectives that are as generic as possible. Take the phrase "global war on terror". Terror can be anything it can be a mugger or a lunatic brain washed into blowing himself up. So it is very easy for a country to point a finger and say here is the big bad monster go get him.
Its all about keeping the commonfolk asleep. So the old rich dudes can profit like there is no tomorrow.
ISIS in its early days. J McCain

oooh they're innocent little rebels fighting against Asad the vampire. We should arm them.
Pentagon:Yes Mr. Chairman of armed services committee. We will send em C17s loaded with Uncle Sams arsenal. And ask our Israeli friends for some EW weapons, artillery and training to set up their own supply chain i.e improvised ordinance and weapons factories etc.
Then look what happened.
Al-Qaeda in its early days. US Congressmen & Senators:These tribal folk are actually doing a good job beating our Russian nemesis. Lets invite them for dinner at white house, give them some stingers, Kalashnikovs and get the Pakistani spec ops to give em top notch training in unconventional warfare tactics while we are at it. Thus creating a fighting force that has received training from some of the best spec ops in the world(they get recruits from all over the world many are ex mil) and one that has defeating empires in its genetics.
A very interesting point that is to be noted here is that when Bin Laden was killed. The US mil, government and JSOC claimed that Osama Bin Laden was buried at sea ACCORDING TO MUSLIM TRADITION OF BURYING THEIR DEAD AT SEA. Which COULD NOT be far from the truth because Islamic tradition only permits a person to be buried at sea if the body is going to start rotting badly. In this case he could easily be buried at land perhaps even in America.
Contrast that with how Saddam is executed sooooo publicly whereas Osama is claimed to have been secretly buried at sea and then claimed a victory over!!???
Lies to perpetuate blood lines of slave drivers.
#cloak n dagger games.
Sorry for off topic long rant.
But your post triggered me.
Had to say a few things seen over my lifetime and conveniently ignored by my Western compatriots.