UPS Socks. A new requirement?


Oh Yeah
I just received a '3 day suspension' for not wearing the UPS Branded socks to work on Friday. I've been wearing these regular brown socks to work for months and no one has ever mentioned it to me. My question is, is UPS now requiring us to purchase the Official UPS branded socks? If it's a uniform requirement, shouldn't they provide them for us? Also, if we do purchase them, can I have them shipped via fedex? Sounds like someone isn't playing fair. Apparently I will be having a hearing on Monday and I would just like a bit a fuel for my fire.
Its always been like that, where you been working at MARS? lol.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
I wear cheap black socks. Pull them on. Then roll the top down lower than the edge of your boot tops. I have 6 inch high boots. Looks like I don't wear socks at all. Never heard a peep. Can't say crap if the socks are out of sight. They are welcome to take my boot off to look.
Or stroking said genitals!
It would be better if your name was Ron Cey


Light 'em up!
Progressive discipline is protocol.
If your story is true, you got some free paid vacation time.

If you wear shorts, you have to buy and wear the socks.
Rule has been around since shorts were made available.
Those are too expensive. I buy 36 pair of regular socks for the price of 6 UPS socks. I bought a half dozen years back and cut the tops off them. I wear my regular cheap socks with the tops of the "official" socks showing.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
An hour of pay to buy 2 years worth of socks.
I wouldn't mind paying premium prices for the socks if they were of decent quality and made in the USA, but they aren't. They are cheap, Chinese-made garbage with color that fades and stick-on "UPS" decals that fall off. And to add insult to injury, we are forced to pay full price for delivery instead of having them sent directly to our work center at a discounted rate. I for one will wear mine until they are falling apart and then cut the bottoms off and wear them over plain cotton socks rather than continually buy new ones.


cap'n crunch
The feeder department I was in never said a word about wearing just plain brown socks. Of course, as we all know, EVERYTHING is better in the feeder department. We all wear spandex topped pants, and there are ho-ho's and little Debbie cakes free in dispatch.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
I wanna know where I guy by specialty hats like fishermans hats that have a rim all the way around it so it keeps sun off the back of neck


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Can't believe this stupid rule is enforced elsewhere. Socks are the probably the least concern in my center, we have drivers who wear Nikes everyday to work with their pants half falling down off of their ass. One dude in my center actually wears a grille in his teeth on road, lol. I wear shorts everyday but have never worn the UPS socks...I wear low black ankle socks totally hidden under my work boots.


nowhere special
I wanna know where I guy by specialty hats like fishermans hats that have a rim all the way around it so it keeps sun off the back of neck

The boonie hat? UPS can order one for you free as part of normal uniform. It is just one of options to wear instead of baseball cap.