Retired 23 years
But if I post "the deeper you hide your head in the sand the more defenseless your ass is" I get censored. Whats up with that? That old "double standard" crap again?
But if I post "the deeper you hide your head in the sand the more defenseless your ass is" I get censored. Whats up with that? That old "double standard" crap again?
I can't disagree with this because in my mind, regulations have the effect of law.
OSHA regulations being disregarded or abused is in effect breaking the law.
Safety issues fall into that area.
I don't recall you posting this picture before and if you did, I would not have removed it.But if I post "the deeper you hide your head in the sand the more defenseless your ass is" I get censored. Whats up with that? That old "double standard" crap again?
Calling another person an ass is objectionable.I'm not "one of those". I don't find that picture or saying objectionable at all. I have never found anything posted on BC "objectionable". That"s just the way I am. I was just trying to point out how silly all this BS censorship has become on this site ---up to and including ONE person being able to determine if something that has been posted is "bad" according to their tastes. To me ass is not a bad word.
And, as we know, these would be two very mild statements that UPS would not even blink an eye at.I'm somewhat familiar with the NLRB ruling on this from a few years ago and want to reiterate something that the TDU article mentioned:
You can bitch about UPS on social media and even paint the company in a negative light as long as it's under the umbrella of concerted activity. For example: "My route was blown out today, 250+ stops UPS is a dumbcompany!" is in the grey area but, "Every driver in my center had 50 extra stops and harassment is on the rise! UPS is a dumb
company!" would be "more" protected speech.
Calling another person an ass is objectionable.
Referring to the butt as an ass is not.
That is the guideline example Cheryl gave us a few years ago.
I guess that is why ass is not automatically censored out.
As far as heck for hell, that was a simple substitution that maintained the intent of the word and works in every situation.
It appears hell has been removed from the auto censor list.
It doesn't bother me either way ... what the hell or heck.
So they knew who you were from posting here? How did they know that?Absolutely!!!
When I was still an employee of UPS, I was talked to by several Level 20's and a Level 22 (District Manager) about my postings on Brown Cafe.
Other than one post, in hindsight, which was a bit too much, my postings were harmless barbs or stirring the pot type posts.
Corporate UPS social media people told me what I was posting was funny and OK but individual managers thought otherwise.
So they knew who you were from posting here? How did they know that?
I think you're more of an ass but what the hell...That whole "hell / heck" thing struck a nerve with me----as you probably noticed. I will try not to be such a butthead next time
The key is keeping your personal identity from being known on a social media site if you are going to post disparaging or damaging claims.
A few years ago, our DM tried to fire me over an exchange with a customer on Facebook, I swore at her a few times and was anything but polite. Since I was on my home computer, and was off the clock, and didn't badmouth the company, there wasn't a damn thing they could do. Gotta love this company
I do not agree with this assessment as I do not think companies should take these type of actions unilaterally.The firing would have been justified.
It doesn't matter whether you were on your home computer and off the clock, you knew who the person was and she knew that you were a UPS employee. You didn't say what the disagreement was about but if I had to bet I would say it was work-related. How would this have been any different from having this discussion while waiting in line at the grocery store?
The firing would have been justified.
It doesn't matter whether you were on your home computer and off the clock, you knew who the person was and she knew that you were a UPS employee. You didn't say what the disagreement was about but if I had to bet I would say it was work-related. How would this have been any different from having this discussion while waiting in line at the grocery store?
The very fact that she took the time to phone in a corporate complaint tells me that you identified yourself as a UPS employee and throughout the conversation in her mind you were a representative of the company.