UPS The Awful Truth

10 point

Well-Known Member
I believe the Corp folks need to drive for another 30 day period so they can see what they've created.

El Correcto

god is dead
Get inthegame Dude ... the 2000 decision was for 1999 ... geez!
Don't try and act smart or savvy ... it just doesn't work for you.

Backpaying never bothered me. Good for them.
Lot's of people getting the equivalent with 9.5 language.
That doesn't bother me either.

That was way too easy.



The company's claim (at the time) was business suffered because of the strike....

And the language allowed them not to create the 22.3 jobs.

It was deadlocked at the National Panel, and went in to arbitration.

The first 22.3 people were awarded back pay, and a back-dated seniority date.
(if I am remembering everything correctly)
That's what I understand. Those who worked the least hours received the largest checks, or something like that. :D


Light 'em up!
The first 22.3 people were awarded back pay, and a back-dated seniority date.

(if I am remembering everything correctly)

You are.

Your memory is fine.
On Feb 11, 2000, Arbitrator George Nicolau ruled UPS in violation of Art 22.3 for failing to create 2000 full time jobs from Aug 1, '97 - July 31, '98. The award ("First Year Agreement")included a make whole remedy with back pay from awarded bid to Aug 1, '98, with back dated seniority.
On Mar 10, 2000 the same arbitrator issued the "Second Year Agreement" award (ordering an additional 2000 ft jobs created) with make whole remedy commencing on Aug 1 '99 to awarded bid date.
Case # AAA 13 300 1908 98



Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I wonder how much money per shirt UPS saves by having its logo lightly glued to our uniforms rather than integrated directly into the shirt. Hope it's worth it for them.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
The driver in that video went on to become the President of Local 728. He has won re-election several times and is still in office. Randy used to drive a P-500 in my Center back when I first went driving full-time. There used to be a special parking spot at a certain convenience store in his delivery area that had "UPS Parking Only" painted on the ground for his package car. Customers knew where to find him at lunch time if they wanted their packages early.