UPS to freeze pension plans for nonunion staffers


Well-Known Member
It definitely doesn't suck to be retired management.
Retired management are definitely looking good, financially. I look good like Brad Pitt! Unfortunately, I'm financially embarrassed. but I get you ugly!!!


Well-Known Member
You mean like actively employed UPS Drivers did to the retired drivers in the last contract?
I didn't vote on this however.
OUCH!!!! That truth talking is like an ol Batman punch. POW!! Wham!! Kapow!! Stomp!! No doubt the retirees got screwed, but that screwing is going to get all active employees too! But it'll be even worse then. That door has been opened.


"The best short-cut is to take the long way."
If you were 25 and just made book being a ft driver, and got offered a management position .... with all the bs going on, would you stick with driving or take your chances in management ?

Or put nothing towards pension and add to my Roth IRA


Well-Known Member
You couldn't retire on a couple Million?
Without the pension, I wouldn't feel secure with $2 million. That's just me. Sure even with a 5% return, we're talking about $100,000 (I hope my math isn't all screwed up again). But I'm just not sure How secure I would feel about the next years ahead. Just me.


Well-Known Member
You didn't correct it. That recession began in 1995. I don't believe bush was president, but bush did continue the corrupt policies. Hopefully that will never happen again.
I bet you listen to a lot of Hannity or Rush? I'm pretty sure we were just fine, if we were in the market in 1995. Try to color it whichever way you want. I'd be tickled to have another return like we did during Clinton. Now the Nasdaq may have happened in the very tail end of Clinton. Not sure. But I would take another Clinton return on my 401K in a second flat. Bottom line.