UPS Truck Hijacked, Driver killed in Shootout


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
90% of cops are crooked so yes I agree. All I know is the Sheriff's in my county are trigger happy and they rarely get in trouble for it. There is even cases where there might be questions over a shooting by a cop(off duty)and evidence disappears imagine that.
The ones here are all paid off, bunch of local yokels. All the staties do is get paid with tax money stolen from me to sit on the highway medians looking for people to extort even more money from. And don't even get me started on feds.


Good thing I wore my brown pants
End qualified immunity. Hold cops to the same standards as private citizens when they try to railroad them for defending themselves. Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried breaking into your house and you unloaded two hundred rounds into them and their vehicle? You'd get raked over the :censored2:ing coals.
No. Go after an individual's Indemnity Insurance. Once a public servant (who is required to carry said Insurance) has a few claims against them, they become uninsurable. Then they can't hold office. Well they can, but they become liable for all damages they cause as a public servant, out of pocket. Do the same thing with lawyers. Just make a Bar complaint against them. Once they get enough, bam, auto-gone.


Got the T-Shirt