Thank god your not my steward "UPS wrecked"your kidding me right.You must be from one of those states that push the contract through every couple of years.Ups dangles out a nickel and you jump.This company treats all of its employees including lower level management like garbage,they deserve nothing.Hoffa and Hall sold us out what kind of leverage does anyone have now.You give UPS unlimited extension you wonder what side are they on.It is pathetic, this company makes millions on our back treats us like slaves with paychecks and the Teamsters do them a favor.
I am in NC and this local always pushes the supplement and contract thru.. Your post makes some excellent points. If my coworkers had a spine this crappy supplement would have been voted down..Now, just as in the past, we will see the locals that voted down their supplement, get better benefits than what we will be getting. All they did here was believe what mgmt told them, (they may be out of work) and worrry about going on strike (wold not have happened) and vote this crappy supplement thru..With the profits that UPS makes from OUR hard work, giving us better healthcare, and not forcing retirees to pay more for this horrible CS insurance is a slap in the face. I can speak for myself, when I started 26 years ago, I planned on working 25 years and then retiring. At the time there was no cost for insurance when retired. Now, it has skyrocketed and only GOD knows what will happen in the future. We have given UPS our bodies and for some our minds (mental stability) and what do they do? Crap on us again. I would be more than happy to pay 100 per month (single) for decent insurance when I retire, but this local here thinks charging 250 for the CS insurance is good for us..
I believe the Unions reason for pushing all UPSers into the CS plan is because the plan is in such bad shape..CS will now be getting more money from UPS to cover our insurance. I will bet, that in a matter of time CS will start diverting those funds into the pension plan because they have mishandled for so many years. The Teamsters, to get more members, told all the smaller trucking company workers that if they joined the Teamsters, they would get the same pension that UPSers get, (but their companies contributed a much smaller amount than what UPS was contributing per employee) so we now have persons drawing a pension and at least 5 of those trucking companies have gone bankrupt. So, no more contributions ! But they are getting the same pension that UPSers get. It is just a matter of time and the CS pension fund will be bankrupt. OH but wait, the Teamsters to the rescue again. Lets get all UPSers into the CS insurance plan, and we can again take UPS' money to finance the pension plan that is in trouble.
Here we go again. Thanks for nothing Teamsters. You are using UPS and us hard workers to finance your screw up. Those other trucking company employees should have never been told they would get what UPSers get unless their company put in the same amount that UPS was putting in. So now us UPSers who are SO ready to retire, are stuck because the insurance that we were promised so many years ago, is now in the toilet .
Anybody who thinks this contract was fair has their head in the sand, or in the rear orifice of the Teamsters.