
Legio patria nostra

Some dip shi(r)ts will believe the first thing the :censored2:ing Internet tells them. Pathetic. The National Association of Realtors ( WHO SELL THE HOUSES) say you’re full of shot.
Pathetic millennial children.
Mom should’ve home-schooled you better!


IE boogeyman
We’ve had so many injuries since covid started. Nobody has proper time to recover, and were breathing in the poison in our bodies ALL day. Less circulation, less healing....the nicks and bruises aren’t going away, and thus turn into bigger problems.
For a guy with Stone Cold as a profile pic, and a header of "stop being a little bitch", you sound like a huge baby

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
On the subject of inflation, my dad retired in 1976.
His pension check is $225 per month.
Consider what that would have bought back then, and what it will buy now....

Netsua 3:16

For a guy with Stone Cold as a profile pic, and a header of "stop being a little bitch", you sound like a huge baby
Wow. Tough guy in the office, hard at work letting things crumble because you don’t want to rock the boat
Do you understand the premise of a Union; and being a union member?
Are you encouraging me to continue to allow UPS to violate the contract without fixing dispatch?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Good start. You picked up one of the two words that I posted.
NOW.... look back at the post about average home sales being $284,000 as I corrected your GF.
Who brought up median???
Can you not read? Your screenshot CLEARLY states those are MEDIAN prices.

The sentence reads “The MEDIAN home price for EXISTING homes was 284k in may 2020.

The MEDIAN sale price increased to 295k in June 2020.”


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Good start. You picked up one of the two words that I posted.
NOW.... look back at the post about average home sales being $284,000 as I corrected your GF.
Who brought up median???
I can only assume you think because you entered average in the google search bar it only shows you average.

Proving my point. Boomers can’t even google.


Legio patria nostra
I can only assume you think because you entered average in the google search bar it only shows you average.

Proving my point. Boomers can’t even google.
Childish millennials (like you) cannot comprehend, so they can only provide a "Googled" answer without regard for the question that is being put forth.
I'm sure you had AP classes at Home school, but MEDIAN is much more accurate to describe the "middle point" (aka Averages) whereas AVERAGES can be and are used to "spin" BS.....

The initial comment was about "Average price".....The source I provided is the point.
Your inability to know that MEDIAN also means AVERAGE is this context is your problem....


Retired 22 years
Half of BC thinks Milennials are anyone born in the last 50 years it seems. If you're complaining about the lazy kids, you should be worried about Gen Z. I'm a Milennial and have no idea what the current teenagers or twenty somethings are even talking about.
Yeah--I'm kind of out of touch with things now days although my son in law is a Milennial and he is one lazy slug when it comes to yard work and work around the house.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Childish millennials (like you) cannot comprehend, so they can only provide a "Googled" answer without regard for the question that is being put forth.
I'm sure you had AP classes at Home school, but MEDIAN is much more accurate to describe the "middle point" (aka Averages) whereas AVERAGES can be and are used to "spin" BS.....

The initial comment was about "Average price".....The source I provided is the point.
Your inability to know that MEDIAN also means AVERAGE is this context is your problem....
Now see if you had said this from the get go you might be believable.

This is an entirely fair point to make if that’s what you were trying to say but it clearly wasn’t because you still don’t understand. You think median means average. It doesn’t. Not in any context.

They are different words with different meanings. You clearly didn’t take any statistics courses to get that sup degree.

The average is the arithmetic mean of a set of numbers.

The median is a numeric value that separates the higher half of a set from the lower half.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
This is embarrassing. There’s a lot of dumb on the internet and I’m not sure I’ve ever so thoroughly owned someone in an argument.


Retired 22 years
This is what they don’t get. Their wage growth was unreal in most of their lifetimes. Now we don’t even really keep up with inflation most of the time. Let alone get actual wage growth.
Cry me a river. At least you get raises. My pension hasn't went up a dime in 20 years and what little SS goes up is automatically eaten up by Medicare raises. What are you even concerned about? I though you were a crypto millionaire.


Legio patria nostra
Now see if you had said this from the get go you might be believable.

This is an entirely fair point to make if that’s what you were trying to say but it clearly wasn’t because you still don’t understand. You think median means average. It doesn’t. Not in any context.

They are different words with different meanings. You clearly didn’t take any statistics courses to get that sup degree.

The average is the arithmetic mean of a set of numbers.

The median is a numeric value that separates the higher half of a set from the lower half.
You need to keep Googling......
Your "researched" definitions are what they teach in Grade School.
Look up "context".

"Sup degree"?? I'm assuming you think I'm a Supervisor and you're wrong about that as well as the chatter above....

Keep trying, you'll find it.