InsideUPS, please read NM Art 34. Ken H and other negotiators comprehend language that apparently some others don't. The majority accepted National Master Art 34 Sec 2 (b) first sentence clearly supercedes any supplement. The Central Supplement only repeats the language for strengthening purposes in the event of a dispute, but the Master guides.
Voting no will not change the agreed to language. Voting no will not get local autonomy in regards to HC. The locals that carved out the MOU for autonomy in HC, (Western Conference and L177) will struggle to match the provided benefit levels at the same contribution rates. This entire system is predicated on the size of the pool. Reduce the pool and this plan fails. For profit HC plans in your community will not provide anything near the level of coverage TeamCARE offers. Again shrink the pool and costs skyrocket. Delaying this ratification only will delay the eventual imposition of this agreement by the IBT. The HC issue is over and TDU is either intentionally lying or bewildered by facts.
It's really not as confusing as you stated.
Definition of Imposition - a thing that is imposed, in particular
an unfair or unwelcome demand or burden.
I agree Inthegame, it really is not as confusing as it may appear. The IBT is in the process of IMPOSING something upon the MAJORITY of it's members in the Central Region that WE do not accept. That is why we here in the Central Region voted NO and will continue to do so. Healthcare issues are outlined in the Central Region Supplement and as such are "fair game" to be brought up and voted upon. Thankfully we have a few "checks and balances" left against those that clearly want to make this significant
concession a "non-issue". It is crystal clear that the IBT (and their lawyers) want to take more authority from the Locals and their business agents that ultimately affects the very members that feed this power hungry organization we call the IBT. I'm from an era when Local language and agreements often superseded National and Supplemental language. That trend has most definitely reversed.
While I fully understand the concept of TeamCare in terms of overall economics for the plan, I do not accept your statement that "
For profit HC plans in your community will not provide anything near the level of coverage TeamCARE offers.". Your statement is simply not true for the HC plan within our Local at least.
Savy and motivated business agents have the ability (given they have the autonomy to do so) to negotiate plans for their members in which the benefits are SUPERIOR to that of TEAMCARE. Our full-time work force in our Local remains and will remain in a "for profit HC plan" with benefits that are SUPERIOR to that of the enhanced C-6 plan. I have the plan schedule of benefits to support my statement. It is my desire in our Local to be in the same "For Profit" healthcare plan as our full-time counterparts.
Being "herded" into TeamCare, a plan that Hoffa himself has said is not sustainable is risky and represents a significant concession pure and simple. No, the world will not come to an end if we all do end up in TeamCare, however this contract with it's concessions does represent a major turning point for the future of UPSers and the future of the IBT in general. Apathy, as measured by the relatively few number of UPSers that voted in this contract is at an all time high. Division amongst UPS Teamsters is at an all time high. Harassment will continue and escalate in most locals across the country. Stink, 407, yourself, and other well intentioned Union representatives will be no match for the very deep pockets and power of UPS. While you few may be able to temper the actions of big Brown in your area, many other UPSers will suffer as the new Corporate UPS continues to "take control" of our contracts and consequently our lives. summary's not necessarily the single healthcare issue that concerns me the's the total picture of how UPS is slowly but surely taking control of our contracts and destroying the very fabric of our Union through "divide and conquer" techniques. UPS and our negotiators continue to take from the many and give to the few. It won't be long before our contracts begin to take from those few remaining that still have something to take. Get ready for an era of harassment, discharges, and at the very least....long hours for those that will be earning that premium wage.