Upstate Gets A Son-In-Law For Christmas


Age quod agis
Wouldn't you be totally blown away if you got about $10,000 in the mail ????

And then he could tell the bride mother that he'd cover the entire amount.:happy2:

He keeps saying he can't afford the cruise. Now he can!!!

Well, first he needs to be mailed the money. Second, he needs to determine that his needs are more important than his daughter's future...and than will not happen.

My gut tells me that his chilldren are the most important thing in his life...period.

Now, if we bumped that amount to 15,000....


Browncafe Steward
Upstate congrats. I also asked my father in law back in96. I asked her mother first about a week before an ask her what she thought Gins father would say. He is now a retired Chicago cop and I was not always the best of a kid growing up especially right around the time I meet her. I was always in trouble an fighting when I was a teenager.

When It came time for me to ask he was at work, so I called him and asked him if I could meet him for lunch, I think he knew what I was up to. I told him I had to see him in person and he told me outright I could marry his daughter and he was sorry for spoiling her and she was now my problem. LOL

P.S my daughter is 3 and also is never getting married!


Retired 23 years
She was blown away--she had no clue. They skated for an hour or so and then the staff started to clear the ice. Megan thought they had to get off also but was told to wait a moment. Soon it was just the two of them. They skated a lap and then James proposed. She said yes. They then skated 2 laps and had a champagne toast. I guess there were nearly 1000 spectators so I am sure she was somewhat embarassed.

I called her last night and we started to talk budget. I told her that her mother and I would spend up to $5K each and that they needed to stay within that budget. I also told her that she didn't have to spend the whole $10K and that whatever money was left over would be theirs to start their new life together, whether it be toward a down payment on a house or whatever they chose to spend it on.

I jokingly called her Bridezilla and she assured me she would not be like that. She is actually level headed and I'm sure it will be a nice ceremony, not the most lavish but certainly not the cheapest.

Apparently you don't realize that budgeting a wedding is alot like building a new house. They NEVER come in on budget. Like my wife told me wheh my daughter was planning her wedding--Your only job is to sign the checks and don't ask questions.


Staff member
I wanna see Upstate in jail like in the movie Father of the Bride when the full weight of the expense of the wedding takes it's toll on Steve Martin. By the way, do they sell hot dog buns individually now?