Hey partner, you gotta do what you gotta do. In Arizona, people can get sex offender raps for exposing their johnson (even to piss). Imagine the headlines, "Officer caught pissing near fatal collision, fired and charged as sex offender!" Yeah, that wouldn't work!
If the accident had been in my city, I could have just put my lights on and made the traffic move but in another city, especially a fatal collision, there was no way I could get away with that. Besides, I was planning on pulling off to eat and pee but then got caught up in the wreck.
Unlike some that leave their piss bottles lying around, I at least had the seat removed and replaced. Granted, the unit was my assigned cruiser and no one else would have driven it so I guess removing the seat was extreme but it was Arizona and that would just be disgusting letting it fester till it got steam cleaned.