The impact on the labor pool is a valid point but with both in the household working, the so-called Corp. side of the ledger benefits but there's one other partner involved whose revenue stream goes up.
And if both of these set the table for the organizing principles upon which society is run?
And with both parents working, who in effect raises the kids and to whose values? And to what self interest ends? As a feedback loop to continue the next generation into the same circular process in which to protect the same forces that maintain power and control?
And then we wonder with the parents because of work spending so little time with the kids during their most formative years who then hit their mid and later teens that all but ignore what their parents say because to them the parents are strangers. If the kids don't see parents as a resource for guidance, information and ideas, where and to whom will they look for such things?
We blame the parents as rotten parents or the kids as rotten kids but we never dare look at the underlying construct we all follow without question and dare to ever question that. Do we even dare ponder the question that maybe the root problem is not bad parents or bad kids at all? If we ask, who taught the bad kids then an equal question should be, who taught the bad parents?
As more and more 2 income households grew over time, so has the power of vested corp. interests grew as well. At the same time the gov't grew along with revenues and so has the waste and massive debt, not to mention private debt with it. At the same time the value of our money fell along with walk has been called the middle class. All this under the guidance of a construct we were told that built the middle class. And upon whose shoulders does all this come to rest when it's time to pay the tab?
Pure coincidence or do we dare look and consider a possible correlation(s)? What if we discover there was intent to contrive this situation, what then? Who would we trust if we thought we should back out of it all? How would we?
This is not about the answers just yet, we're a VERY LONG WAY from that. It's about getting the courage to even dare ask the questions in the first place and ponder those answers, even the potential uncomfortable ones. To solve the problem is too first finally look at yourself and admit there is one!