Probably but not for the reasons you think.
I’d love to hear you expand upon why you think we would lose?
I would like to hear this also.
I have a near 30 yo daughter and Son in Law.....both far left wing. I've watched my daughter "evolve"....they now own a couple of guns....
Watched her go through the public school system as a teacher, and see the soul sucking disappointment take the joy out of her life.
Watching her left wing pie in the sky ideals get destroyed by reality. Seeing the frustration of her Prius catalytic converter stolen right in broad daylight in the school parking lot(she teaches at an all Hispanic/Black inner city school).....
All that to say this:
This current crop of youth hasn't really seen anything that threatens their freedom. Just a small taste with the pandemic. They don't really know of 9/11/2001. All they know is an I phone. They aren't really taught the horrors of the Left Wing Democrat philosophy......the responsibility for hundreds of millions of murders. WW1 and WW2 aren't taught in school....just BLM and tranny stuff.......
She hasn't seen the cause she promotes loot and burn her house down....murder by the hundreds of millions.....
Not yet.