The debate was well moderated. The moderator handled both men equally. As for Biden, i thought he was concise and to the point. His facial expressions I believe showed his displeasure with RYANs B.S. answers.
Biden is the Vice President, and he acted like one. RYAN looked like a school boy trying to act like a college student.
Ryan was full of nonsense with his NON answers. To this moment, he still will not explain the romney ryan tax plan and will not explain the removal of tax deductions for middle class americans.
The best part of the debate was when BIDEN pointed out that RYAN sent two letters asking for MILLIONS of tax dollars in stimulus money.
Biden laughing in Paul Ryans face showed america what a

bag Ryan really is.
I enjoyed it. I hope OBAMA can follow up with a debate performance equal to Bidens.
Sorry folks, round two goes to BIDEN.