You're a brown shirt alright . A CDL a GED and a completely undeserved sense of self importance. Whether you want to confront it or not....anybody can do your job provided that your back is strong enough and your brain is weak enough.Oh, Pal, you could’ve done the same. And yet you’re not honorable or significant in anyway, you’re a loser. The market share has decided for 30 years. I’m with worth every bit they pay me. You not so much lol.
Dano59 whether you like the guy or not he's right when he says that the work you do is for all intents and purposes unskilled labor.
Yes you and your union set the market for labor in that market but it's in a market where your company's share of it keeps getting smaller and there will some day be a tipping point.
Now you guys are right now are at an advantage from the standpoint of the chaos over at FDX but it will someday and perhaps soon emerge as a dynamic much more streamlined and more price competitive. And the USPS is doing better. Last week had a 715 mile ground shipment on USPS at my place in 2 days. Not bad.
Now if you don't know enough to get out after 30 years wrongly believing that the place can't run without you these new emerging competitors might prove themselves more than just an annoyance.