Volume Loss?


Well-Known Member
peacock, you very right. Maybe what needs to happen is to have management maybe say a few good words of encouragement every now and then. I know ups does many good things for customers everyday. Change starts from inside and management really has the power to do good for the employees and customers. They feel that at this time there is no need to make a change in regards to many old and new policies that are in place. They feel that there is not enough threat from a variery of factors to make a change. It would be amazing if there was a few small things that could be implemented, I really think the powers to be at ups would be very amazed at what could happen in regards to attitudes and austomers.

Coldworld, excellent points. If I was treated with even the smallest amount of respect for doing my difficult job it would make a world of difference.
If nothing else, it would be entertaining to see my people skills challanged center manager try to deal with employees in a positive manner.


Well-Known Member
Fedex Express has been using DIM Weight for years. Back when our old Trackers came out in the early 90's we had a Function scan called a (REX) which you could open and Dim Weight a pkg right at the stop. You could also correct zip codes, weight of packages, Change service options etc.

DIM weight in airs has been going on for years. This is DIM for ground pkgs. Has anyone checked with any of their customers who also use Fedex ground if they have started DIM weight billing yet. I remember when UPS led the way with different prices for different zones for air pkgs. Fedex eventually followed and I'm betting they are waiting to see how it works for us before implementing it themselves.

Ghost Who Walks

New Member
I routinely ship packages that are OS2 or OS3. Fedex ground is much cheaper, less than half what UPS charges, depending on zone. Their drivers aren't as ticked as the UPS guy either, I suppose because their trucks aren't jammed so full. Believe it or not, my stuff isn't as banged up by Fedex Ground as it was in the past (RPS), not one damage by FDX Ground yet. UPS, not so good as far as damages go. Wish it weren't so, but in my experience, FDX is the way to go for large ground packages.


Staff member
"..but in my experience, FDX is the way to go for large ground packages"

Good for you. Go hang out with those losers on their website.


Well-Known Member
I really dont think fedex has the kind of management style that ups does. Two factors are to blame for the damages of packages. 1ST is the high paced flow that ups uses in the sorts. Its all about speed, at any cost. Belts are never turned off, even for a minute to get caught up. Buildings are not big enough, belts are not wide enough and packages fall off, its that simple. Loads in trailers are another problem. The bottom tier packages are the ones that break the fall of the top packages when whole walls fall in trailers. Fedex doesnt come close to the amount of packages ups has so they will have less damages...that doesnt take rocket science to figure out. Overall, with the amount of packages shipped by ups, the damade rate is pretty low. Many of the damages are caused by shippers....thats a fact. Throwing a little newspaper into a box isnt going to protect glass items, come on.Even if a package looks smashed, theres no time to rebox it or at least do a decent tape job on it, it all comes back to PRODUCTION and TIME.